jsidhu762: Animating the dead and summoning demons are strictly evil acts. When it comes to morality, it would be like killing someone just because you can. True and chaotic neutral characters are still heroes, and what kind of heroes would do these things?
I suppose that my idea of a chaotic neutral is evilish then. I always pictured a chaotic neutral to be reluctant for killing just for the shake of killing and, main difference with pure evil characters, would accept to change the course of action to avoid murders, specially when talking about innocents. But unlike good characters, I always thought that, in the end, a CN is able to do, with some remorse and as a last resort, but still do evil acts. But well, I always pictured a chaotic neutral to be too good to be evil but totally not a "hero".
Also, why is animating the dead evil? Summoning a demon is less about "negotiate" and more about "entropy and destruction", so I get it. But does the skeletons' / whatever original soul still suffer and the summon forces it out of rest, condemning it to still suffer forever or something like that? If that is the case, I can understand good people avoiding to do it. And if my CN concept is evilish, I suppose a "normal" neutral would find the idea horrible too.
I don't know if this is explained in early D&D manuals, sorry if it sounds dumb xD. The only manuals I actually own are D&D 4 (yes yes, I know xD) shared and Pathfinder's of my own (I lent it to a friend, so I can't check out right now).
Hickory: A chaotic neutral character is a free-spirited, selfish individual who has no time for shackling laws or rules. They are equally averse to overt 'evil' acts, just as much as overt 'good' acts. I see no reason why such a character would stoop to evil acts such as reanimating the corpses of dead people.
I always found a Chaotic Neutral to be what you said, so I figured he using the spell not as in "stooping" (I didn't know this word, so I might be wrong, but I think it means leaning to evil, doesn't it?) to do evil, but rather as a tool to use if really needed. It is a tool, and as you said, he doesn't care about if it's right or wrong. He just wants to use it to get out of trouble and get to another thing ASAP.