TheDogCatcher: I have found one very annoying issue with 2.0 which is probably related to the controller issue, the toggle crouch function doesn't work - it doesn't matter which key I bind it to , holding a key to crouch still works but I find constantly having to hold the key down awkward, I much prefer the toggle.
I wonder if there are any other controls that don't work ( I haven't had a chance to test everything yet).
ast486: I got it working and yup, I have the same problem.
it's super annoying!
I'm used to sneaking up to groups of enemies, quickhacking them, then finishing them off with guns..... can't even do that now do the everyone-is-using-an-xbox-controller bug! :-(
slayerking: Yep, I noticed that and things like when a job comes up it says press z to track job, Press z and it does nothing, there were a couple more too but they have slipped my mind.
ast486: Wow I'm not even getting that!
it shows the Xbox controller buttons for me instead.
TheDogCatcher: Just a thought, is there a setting in one of the config files we can edit to fix the controller issue ?
ast486: that would be great to know!
Maybe make a new thread on that subject, since this is the linux thread.
Check this post. This is the only thing that worked for me.