ToveriJuri: A rant which completely ignores what I said.
Merranvo: Okay, you convinced me, D&D is not an RPG, nor are D&D Derivatives. I mean, if you have the same THC no matter how you're speced and there's no penalties giving the mage an axe and saying to go hack away at the enemy (Skyrim style) then it cannot be an RPG.
You're intentionally ignoring the point that what defines an RPG differes between persons and instead insisting everyone has a shared idea of what an RPG is despite me CLEARLY disagreeing with you. You're saying labels are useful, but you mean they're useful TO YOU.
The label is USELESS because the details MATTER. If you like cow milk but not goat milk nor almond milk but someone says "This is milk, you like milk right?" what use is the label? NONE. The details of what people consider it to be milk is what matters. There are people who hate skim milk but will drink any other kind of milk. Just insisting over and over "but it's all milk" doesn't change that details matter.
You have a point in that some labels are useless, some are also not. "RPG" can be a useless label since people argue that Zelda in an RPG and many others will say "No way."
Details do matter and they qualify or disqualify games from being labeled in a
specific manner. Unless someone is just trying to be a contrarian, "But actually..." but those people are of no use. You may equate RPG to milk, of which there is different kinds and we could argue that almond or soy milk isn't really milk, even. This wouldn't make you a contrarian.
If, however, you find that you couldn't recognize or acknowledge
details that qualify a game as say, a jRPG, a survival horror or a flight simulator then you would lose all credibility.
"Immersive Sims" is a pretty specific label with a special meaning that only those who are acquainted with recognize. it is a useful label signalig specific details (which do absolutely matter) and can either qualify or disqualify a game from the sub-genre. As I said in the original post, nothing against those who are unfamiliar with this label and the details it represents, but the discussion and feedback I'm looking for can only be exclusively provided by those that are.