MiriOhki: Anyone having an issue on the stealth vr tutorial where the tag mechanic either doesn’t work or the game doesn’t acknowledge it? I tried tagging the four guards but the game doesn’t proceed any further.
There is an issue with newer Logitech mice where the game refuses to recognize MMB (middle mouse button ) input at all.
If you are NOT using a logitech mouse and can assign MMB in settings to any other function then you simply missed out on the badly designed stealth tutorials lack of descriptors. In this case you need to either hold tab WHILE TAGGING or press capslock then tag.
EDIT: Just a note. CDPR has ALWAYS had issues with logitech mice and has made no apparent attempts to resolve these issues. These issues have been part and parcel of CDPR games since the original witcher game but normally a simple rebinding of the function works.
In the case of Cyberpunk 2077 there are MMB functions (unequip) that have NO rebinding option available.