Posted June 20, 2019
low rated

First; what exactly is, according to this student, with this statue that oozes glorified violence?
Is it "A white bearded man" or is it "A bearded white man"? The connotation is important here.
Is it just because of race? Heck, even black african people sold their own people to white foreigners, same goes for native indians but that's also being buried.
The whip? It's not uncommon for using a whip when managing horses, cows, bulls, sheeps... Frankly, a whip has been used for signalling and managing animals 99 % throughout the history, and just a tiny small part on indians/slaves.
The rifle? Used as protection and hunting for food, but just like a knife it can misused. Even native indians killed each other.
It's a nameless pioneer, not a known killer, and yet they equate being a pioneer is the same as being a native indian killer. And let's be really blunt (but short) here; thousands of people from the Europe emigrated to America, many highly educated... without this immigration the America would not have progressed to the point where these students could take their degree, let alone the scientific method. Talk about "slapping the hand that feeds them" and not understanding their own history :P
That said, it didn't go bloodlessly sadly, but this is hilariously one-sided and blowing it out of proportion.
EDIT: I almost forgot; most native indians (or Americans) were the ones that were glorifying violence and had rituals that based on our civilized standard would be called "perverse brutal/bloody", and these students are painting a fairy tale for themselves. :D
As for your reply: Great points and very succinct/full of great dialog.
And yeah, native americans fought each other constantly just as we did to them when we came to this land, yet the ones in school today seem to ignore those facts & tend to thin k it all went down like the Pochahontas in the disney film of the same name,