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I've decided to try something new. Rather than make resolutions for the entire year, I've decided to make my resolutions a monthly thing for 2025! :P Perhaps by keeping my goals bite-sized, with a 30-day-ish time limit to complete them, this might encourage me to keep my resolutions realistically attainable. The problem for me with making New Year resolutions is that half-way into the year, I can't even recall what resolutions I've made. LOL! Maybe by making my resolutions monthly, I won't lose sight of my goals as easily?

I realize that we are already 12 days into January (13 for some of you!), but that ain't stopping me. :P Better late than never! For the months that follow, I'll create a new thread starting the 1st of every month.

Here are my resolutions for January 2025 (got until the 31st to complete them):

- Book a dentist appointment to replace a filling missing in action. > completed on the 27th! :)
- Book a complete physical medical examination. > completed on the 27th! :)
- Read one book. > quest failed :(

My resolutions might seem too easy to attain for some of you, but being the King of Procrastination, I can tell you that I've been telling myself for MONTHS that I'd do these very things and have yet to do any of them. xD So, maybe by going public, it may give me the kick in the butt that I need.

Anyone else want to make resolutions for January 2025? If yes, I'd love to hear from you. :)

Wishing us good luck!
Post edited February 07, 2025 by matterbandit
wróżka zębuszka - tooth fairy
I will keep practicing my language skills this month.
Good luck with your resolutions! ^
matterbandit: For the months that follow, I'll create a new thread starting the 1st of every month.
So a todo list then? Joking aside I wishing you good luck friend! My resolutions? 1920x1080
Easy for the book one, just take it to all your medical repairs and probings, read while you wait. Good luck with everything.
Good luck on achieving yours!

Mine are two:
-Be more motivated to do a daily morning jog from around 5:30AM to 6:20AM. I have no problem with waking up early in the morning, but I've always found it hard to push myself to exercise outside around that time.
-Eat less for dinner.
Post edited January 13, 2025 by user deleted
Heres a better one: learn to cook. ;)
My resolution not make a resolution. I can never keep them anyway. =P
Sachys: Heres a better one: learn to cook. ;)
Fiiine. *reluctantly changes one of my resolutions* >3>
matterbandit: Wishing us good luck!
well, you'll be held accountable, now that the cat's out of the bag.
Come febuary I'll see if you've kept true to your word.
Post edited January 13, 2025 by .erercott
.erercott: well, you'll be held accountable, now that the cat's out of the bag.
Come febuary I'll see if you've kept true to your word.
This is exactly what I need to hear right now! xD It's for my own good. Thx for keeping a watchful eye on me. ;)
Over the last couple of years, I've become the laziest and most procrastinating mf'er I've ever been. Not sure what happened or if there's something in the water, but I can't be bothered with any of that anymore.

Made lists (big and small) for the past couple of years and have completely abandoned them. I wish you well in your attempt to stay the course! At least for now, Seems that I won't be doing that to spare myself the disappointment.
I'm doing the venerable "white January". No drinking alcohol in January. Gotta detox after those heavy winter months :) And I'm gonna finally fix up the car. There's a bunch of small things that I've procrastinated and didn't want to do in cold weather. Bulbs, oil, wiper linkage, glow plugs.. I will leave that last one to professionals though.
Resolve to make no resolutions.
Seven days remaining before the last day of January comes pounding at my door and I'm breaking a sweat. ROLF!
On an encouraging note: I have picked up a book and begun reading it. :P
Post edited January 25, 2025 by matterbandit
Well, this year, if I manage to keep my job and solidify my position in it, it will be great.

I've been at my current job since April, but it seems that due to certain responsabilities I haven't really had an opportunity to tackle and prove myself through them, I could end up losing the job.

Anyways, it's a good job and the people in my team are great, including the bosses... a rarity, I know, but they (the whole team) help to keep the most stressfull aspects of it more manageable.