Posted December 15, 2024
Cavalary: In my view, a demo would be a part of the game (even if possibly not exactly in the form it'll be in the final release of the actual game, since it may be based on a pre-release build), while a prologue should be something not included in the full game, so would also serve a purpose to play in itself.
it's very rare that you would find a standalone game that actually contributes to the worldbuilding of a main game/series that you might even consider it a bonus level. Otherwise, publishers abuse the "prologue" title by actually marketing demos that may be a part of the main game, but rather a short/limited copy of it. It's clickbait, really. In fact, I can see they've overused the word to the point it loses its original meaning. Timboli: Some clearly get a bit pedantic when it comes to what constitutes a demo or not. We are never going to change their view, so time to move on. Similar on what constitutes a Giveaway.
There shouldn't be a debate. If you're even gonna go there: due to the circumstances which arised in this time, that would be a situation I could have interjected.
But of course, you'd think it's too pedantic to address the flaws in the thread.