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This is unfuckingbelievably out of control. Prices of the 1080ti's have nearly DOUBLED. No, that's not a typo.

Here's a screen shot of the best deals there are right now... i.e. the "cheap ones" These were in the low 700's not long ago (weeks... not months).

I was looking at one that had an old price, $869.99 but it was shown as Out of Stock. Oh well, I thought, maybe that one will be okay when they get it back. So I clicked on it. When it got to the actual page.... the price wasn't $869.99 any more. IT WAS $1,399.99.

God Damned Miners.

I've got all of my parts except a GPU. And if It's going to be my last rig (it is) there's no sense in going with anything except the 1080ti to future proof it as much as possible (please don't bother posting on here "Wait for the ........." due out in XXXXX months." This is ALWAYS true. ALWAYS. So please don't waste your time)

All I want is a 1080ti. Is there anywhere in this whole world I can buy one for less than $900?

NOTE: For those that might have read my last thread on this subject I had posted a bid on two of them at E-Bay for sort of kind of reasonable prices... still higher than they were but still at least less than $1,000.00. And I was told that on the last couple of days the miners would come in and the price would go up. Yep. Both sold for over $1,300.

God. Damned. Miners.
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Post edited January 18, 2018 by OldFatGuy
I picked one up in the boxing day sales for £700, It's fucking awesome.

It was this one: , they don't seem to be selling it now.

I got a 4K monitor too, also good in the sales. Playing Sniper Elite 4 in 4K is really good fun.

I think the key point is that things are cheaper when they're on sale. It's not mining, it's timing. They will be on sale again, you missed the window, so you must wait or pay more.

EDIT: Dollars to Pounds means maybe you always had my options.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by wpegg
wpegg: I picked one up in the boxing day sales for £700, It's fucking awesome.

It was this one: , they don't seem to be selling it now.

I got a 4K monitor too, also good in the sales. Playing Sniper Elite 4 in 4K is really good fun.

I think the key point is that things are cheaper when they're on sale. It's not mining, it's timing. They will be on sale again, you missed the window, so you must wait or pay more.

EDIT: Dollars to Pounds means maybe you always had my options.
No. It's mining.
OldFatGuy: No. It's mining.
Yeah, timing has nothing to do with it. Miners have royally f--ked the video card market for a while now. It sometimes gets a little better during sales, but most of the cards are still way over their MSRP. When I bought a GTX 970 pre-mining days, it was the second best non-Titan video card on the market and it was ~340 USD. Now take a look at the prices on the 1070 and prepare to laugh your a$$ off. Also, check out the prices on the 1060, which is comparable to the 970 I used to have. The 1060 is designed to be a ~$200 budget video card, hence it being comparable to last generations higher end cards (the 900 series).

Although I know the miners didn't do anything with the specific intention of making it more difficult for gamers to build PCs (especially for those with tigher budgets), I wouldn't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy if all of the cryptocurrencies tanked overnight.
I'm having a weird sensation of deja vu.
OldFatGuy: All I want is a 1080ti. Is there anywhere in this whole world I can buy one for less than $900?
The first store I checked in my country has one for 879 EUR. The price includes VAT (24%). So without VAT it would be 709 EUR, or about $864. I don't think they take international orders, unfortunately... shipping the crap across the pond, and paying duty & tax would push it over $900.

You can drool though:
Post edited January 18, 2018 by clarry
AMD and Nvidia should seriously consider to design their drivers for their next gaming GPU's in a way that makes the cards useless for mining. If gamers can't buy graphic cards anymore PC game sales will start to take a nosedive, because people will switch to consoles instead (or stop gaming). This can't be in Nvidia's or AMD's interest.

They can still profit from miners with dedicated mining GPUs. Leave out all the stuff that miners don't need, develop specialized architecture and drivers and split chip production between mining and gaming lines. But don't kill your major business area for something that maybe dies again in a few years. Crypto currencies are for speculative trading ONLY. You can't really pay anything with them. Sooner or later this'll kill them.
Micro Center is selling MSI 1080ti gaming x for $759. They can also ship it.
NovumZ: Micro Center is selling MSI 1080ti gaming x for $759. They can also ship it.
Got a link... I'll buy right now.
Fairfox: dude/tte/o'choice relax, youll get thru this

also! you keep talkin' liek you wont see thru teh winter. if so, i mean, write a book or spend time with your family

sorry if taht was harsh; friends made me go all drunk
No not this winter (though you never know, you know?) but likely less than 5 years, and certainly less than 10. The Doctors would be shocked if lasted more than 10.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by OldFatGuy
Well, give them a [system] shock.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by clarry
I'm surprised governments haven't attempted to outlaw cryptocurrency yet, considering that the vast majority of it is used for buying and selling illegal things on the deepweb. As a currency it's terrible because of it's instability, the one advantage it has is it can't be easily traced.
Post edited January 18, 2018 by Crosmando
Get a loan in the bank, if it matters so much to you.
I personally do not know such good games to justify such a ridiculous purchase like 1080TI.

It seems miners have started to buy even cards like 1050TI. Prices gone up recently for those.
LOLOLOL.... Prices are so bad now E-Bay sent me an email advertising the fact that one was reduced by over $1,600.00.... and it was still over $1,400. to buy now.

God Damned Miners.
Qwertyman: Although I know the miners didn't do anything with the specific intention of making it more difficult for gamers to build PCs (especially for those with tigher budgets), I wouldn't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy if all of the cryptocurrencies tanked overnight.
I guess I will have some sympathy for them but I think a far more likely outcome is that 80 to 90 percent of the newest comers to mining will lose money and/or realize they're not really going to be making any and word will spread. At some point this has to happen. And yeah, I will feel badly for those that lost/lose money. But I wish that moment would hurry the hell up so prices of GPU's can come back down.
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Post edited January 18, 2018 by OldFatGuy