Cavalary pointed out a couple of posts above, it is true that when I launched this thread, it was with the intent of focusing on lowest ever store prices. My intent was to stand apart from the other discount/sales threads and to offer an additional yet different thread for members to consult when deciding whether or not to purchase a game. And, I still want us to continue to keep that same focus, as a "guiding light" so that this thread retains its purpose and its spirit, that many of us have come to like and find useful. :)
Having said that, I do take the time to verify the deals that are posted here by individual contributors, but admittedly, as
g2222 is our platinum contributor, there's simply too much content for me to sift through and so I've come to trust
g2222's contributions fully. Behind the scenes, I was made fully aware of
g2222's scripting magic and all of his manual efforts, often to check whether the deals provide some benefit to the community. I've always admired that he does not blindly post auto-generated lists, to be honest. ;) And when
g2222 does decide to stray a little for a specific deal, he remains completely transparent about it, posting indicators such as "best price since 3 years" or "price is not strictly new" or whatever.
In short, I am very happy with how this thread is going. I'm glad that many find it useful and I'm always grateful of those who take the time to contribute their findings. Is it perfect? Nope. Will errors pop up now and then? Absolutely.
If there's a "bad boy" around here, it's definitely me! xD Been busy with my 10th Anniversary thread and now I'm running so far behind here with keeping
the overview list up-to-date, that I am red-faced with shame. :P