paladin181: Apparently he doesn't understand how a presidential election works. There is a nomination process wherein every state gets to vote for their candidates for each major party. So Kasich couldn't run against Trump for the presidency. It will be Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump... Do not know who will win, but I hope it's not Hillary.
CharlesGrey: The US presidential election is kinda like Aliens versus Predators: Whoever wins, we're all fucked.
Pretty much. The worst thing is that the US Presidential elections have a global impact.
I think this time is likely going to be different as there's people upset with the establishment on both sides of the aisle at once and I think there's a really good chance that if we start talking with each other we can force the party to take a tougher stance on the corrupt way that the elections are handled. Even if we have different motives for wanting it fixed, we should be able to agree on some basic changes that would put more of the power in the hands of the people at the expense of the establishment.
paladin181: I'm honestly surprised that our presidential election is such a big deal to everyone around the world.
Breja: Yeah, it's not like the US is still the worlds chief superpower... oh wait.
We are the world's only remaining superpower. Precisely who else is a super power?
The only country I can think of that could possibly be considered one is China and their military is mostly smoke and mirrors. Their infrastructure is even worse than ours is in America and there's an even shakier political establishment there were the party is outnumbered by at least 10 to 1 by people who aren't members.
Other than them, I'm not even sure whom else you could think is a superpower. I guess you could think of Europe, but I'm not sure it's correct to consider the continent of Europe to be one when they don't have a unified economy and still engage in a large number of territorial disputes and retain independent armed forces.