Posted June 21, 2016

Insert quote here.
Registered: Dec 2010
From Australia

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted June 21, 2016

The theme was great, some scenes were cool, but.. overall it was crap!

Btw, I'd prefer to watch Tomb Raider than MK again..
(well, before Warcraft)
Post edited June 21, 2016 by phaolo

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States
Posted June 21, 2016

IMDB for the win!
Oh, and I liked Warcraft :P
EDIT: ugh guys.. Mortal Kombat a good movie?
The theme was great, some scenes were cool, but.. overall it was crap!

doom ? so where are the demons or the portal to hell anything that make it doom ?
street fighter ...erhm
super mario bros other then the name how is that a mario movie in any way shape or form ?
alone in the dark bloodrayne house of the dead any anything by uwe boll ..erhm
that hitman movie then ?
wreck it ralph ? not based on a single video game
of the video game adaptions mortal kombat was one of the few decent ones it adhered to the spirit and story of the game
and everybody looked like the characters from the game

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted June 21, 2016

and everybody looked like the characters from the game

Btw, I'd prefer to watch Tomb Raider than MK again..
(well, before Warcraft)
tomb raider isnt really an game adaption more an action movie that just happens to have a main character called lara croft
but other then that its relation to any of the 5 games at the time are tenuous
much like the doom movie really
Post edited June 21, 2016 by snowkatt

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted June 21, 2016
Not to mention the fact that it's a damn terrible movie. Even Angelina Jolie being incredibly sexy wasn't enough to make it any fun to watch. That says a lot.

60.27% Through!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Denmark
Posted June 21, 2016
So this movie apparently did extremely well in China but nowhere else.
snowkatt: not a whole lot of competition
doom ? so where are the demons or the portal to hell anything that make it doom ?
street fighter ...erhm
super mario bros other then the name how is that a mario movie in any way shape or form ?
alone in the dark bloodrayne house of the dead any anything by uwe boll ..erhm
that hitman movie then ?
wreck it ralph ? not based on a single video game
of the video game adaptions mortal kombat was one of the few decent ones it adhered to the spirit and story of the game
and everybody looked like the characters from the game
TARFU: Wing Commander... The cast of She's All That" in space. I fucking hated that movie and Freddie Prinz Jr. Imagine how shocked
I was when he showed up in Mass Effect 3.
Insult to fucking injury.
snowkatt: tomb raider isnt really an game adaption more an action movie that just happens to have a main character called lara croft
but other then that its relation to any of the 5 games at the time are tenuous
Breja: Not to mention the fact that it's a damn terrible movie. Even Angelina Jolie being incredibly sexy wasn't enough to make it any fun to watch. That says a lot. Good casting does not a good movie make.

doom ? so where are the demons or the portal to hell anything that make it doom ?
street fighter ...erhm
super mario bros other then the name how is that a mario movie in any way shape or form ?
alone in the dark bloodrayne house of the dead any anything by uwe boll ..erhm
that hitman movie then ?
wreck it ralph ? not based on a single video game
of the video game adaptions mortal kombat was one of the few decent ones it adhered to the spirit and story of the game
and everybody looked like the characters from the game

I was when he showed up in Mass Effect 3.
Insult to fucking injury.

but other then that its relation to any of the 5 games at the time are tenuous

Post edited June 21, 2016 by ScotchMonkey

Insert quote here.
Registered: Dec 2010
From Australia

60.27% Through!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Denmark
Posted June 21, 2016
That's what makes me hate it more! I mean how does a creator fuck his own work up so bad and not be George Lucas?

Registered: Sep 2008
From Germany
Posted June 21, 2016

Interesting, I didn't expect this, after reading some reviews in Rotten Tomatoes and other websites.
It has only 23% in R.T.
I haven't watched yet, so I can't say if it's deserved, or not.
Blizzard is having a good profit with the movie, so that may motive them to make a sequel.
Did you like the movie, and would you like a sequel??
Blizzard has been for a long time at a stage where they could put their logo on a piece of dried poop and it still would sell like iced water in a desert.

Village Resident
Registered: Sep 2008
From Spain
Posted June 21, 2016

Interesting, I didn't expect this, after reading some reviews in Rotten Tomatoes and other websites.
It has only 23% in R.T.
I haven't watched yet, so I can't say if it's deserved, or not.
Blizzard is having a good profit with the movie, so that may motive them to make a sequel.
Did you like the movie, and would you like a sequel??
My point is aligned to that.
Post edited June 21, 2016 by Potzato

Ret - 2 - Gog
Registered: Oct 2008
From Canada
Posted June 22, 2016
Well, Blizzard has been milking the Warcraft cow for over a decade.
Nothing new here..
Everyone knows about Bli$$ard greediness.
Oh my god, have you watched this? We should all pretend it never existed.
Nothing new here..
Everyone knows about Bli$$ard greediness.
Oh my god, have you watched this? We should all pretend it never existed.
Post edited June 22, 2016 by almabrds

on the Haunt
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted June 22, 2016
Perhaps we should define successful.
Are we talking money making, keeping with the theme and tradition of the game franchise, or enjoyment factor?
Are we talking money making, keeping with the theme and tradition of the game franchise, or enjoyment factor?

New User
Registered: Dec 2015
From Spain
Posted June 22, 2016
Not the most succesful, but the best movie about videogames (literally) is Tron, and if you stretch it a little bit and consider it to be inspired by Pong, then it turns into the best videogame movie ever :-P

GNU/Linux user
Registered: Nov 2014
From Portugal
Posted June 22, 2016

... oh; no, she wasn't. :-( False alarm.
To be honest, I was really hoping that Lucasfilm would make "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis". But instead they went with that "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". I knew what that meant right away. (And unfortunately, I was correct.)