Posted May 22, 2020

2 many bad people on this world .. i swear!

That's why I'm fine with Netflix, where I pay my monthly "library fee" knowing it's just that. That's why I'm not fine with Steam & co., or "buying" movies on Amazon Prime, because I kind of feel cheated, it's only the illusion of "owning" the stuff.
Also DRM won't stop the "bad people", it even turns "bad people" into heroes who "liberate art".
DRM is a sign, a needed sign else it would not excist. This is not a cuffed up joke but created out of the necesity to keep designs in the hands of their creators/prevents people to go outside the lines that are agreed upon by buying the product.
The whole concept of ownership was due to change with the technological advancements of the past 2 decades. Everyone has their own opinion and .. so far their own choice... stuff will change, people will be mad if accustomed too. This does not mean it is entirely right of won't do anyone wrong but the general concensus seems to be that DRM is worthwile in some cases