72_hour_Richard: Looks nice, but with import duties and taxes it's going to be much more expensive than USD1000 (€850), even if you just buy the 512 GB version, whereas Steam/Valve hardware ships from inside the EU (Netherlands I think). For a price comparison the Deck version of 512 GB costs €680 (pre-order price), however it ships from within the EU whereas Aya does not. So the price difference of €170 is an underrestimate. This assumes the price for the Deck does not increase post the pre-order period.
My perspective is different though. I'm looking to buy a Deck simply to play Steam games. The games I buy on GOG (90% of which are old games, most of them strategy) are not suited for handheld, I need keyboard and mouse for those. So to me pricing is a huge factor. From a design perspective, with buttons and touch-pads, the Deck is more suited for me.
i do agree, it seems the steam option is much more preferable. with the biggest chunk of my library holding out on steam the choice for a handheld seems to be very easy, not to mention the pricing....
The only thing lacking is a motive ;)
i'm just a poor lazy boring type of fellow who has a job 15 min from home and is quite happy with his desktop arrangement.....
Orkhepaj: just get steamduck and install win on it
one good quack for your rating friend
QUACK! Darvond: Yeah, and that's exactly why concepts like this never took off. This isn't a new thing.
People have been trying to get the "handheld" PC going since the Palm Pilot existed.
So here's a few things:
1) What the heck does AYAneo mean? As I've said of many game titles on this very site, the name is a very important impression. If Dell started to sell a sub-compact utility truck called the Lobster, you'd wonder what they were smoking too.
2) 1K$ is reaching the level of
Bourgeoisie gadgets that are easily overpricing their actual value.
Like a 2000$ Mario Smartwatch. 3) So to take this at face value, this is a company with no proven track record founded on dreams on IndieGoGo. (Which as anyone should note; doesn't have the prototype requirement most crowdfunding sites do. This is why there are so many
useless social robots on the damnable site.)
It did sold out
nightcraw1er.488: Being discussed over here:
https://www.gog.com/forum/general/steam_deck_announced As part of steam deck v gpd win v aya neo.
For my side the aya neo looks really good. It’s price point obviously is huge turn off especially with all the fees. However it looks like a proper handheld, with proper hardware, the keyboard is virtual, but not hidden u dear a slide like the gpd win 3.
In terms of steam deck, it is Linux based, and they suggest to not install windows. I imagine it’s going to be very steam linked, and you can only order it through a steam account, so a no go for me.
From my side, I move about a lot, and so look at handhelds to fill the space, have a gaming laptop, but it’s so bulky to pull out and then power brick (as you get limited battery life). I also got a gpd win 2, which is great, runs most things, screen is a bit small, highly portable though with usb3 and a phone charger. It’s built for controller, but you have a mouse connected, I have played shadow warrior 2013 briefly on it.
Am seriously considering the aya neo (perhaps sell the switch, and some other things to find it).
Ah see, i could not check since the steam querry thing managed to drown me in a swamp of anything but related