Posted April 09, 2019
low rated

However, if initialpresence and others are allowed to make GOG's forums a place where white nationalists are allowed to hang out and freely proselytize and argue and propound their views and bring in their links and sources... Then, it will be just a matter of time before that fact gets noticed and passed around the internet like wildfire.
And then GOG will have a PR problem that they cannot handle.
The forums will get shut down entirely. GOG's reputation will suffer immensely. And their sales will suffer, too.
Even if you believe that even white nationalists deserve a spot on the internet where they are free to publish, this cannot be that place. They will bring GOG down with them.
Hyperbole/logical fallacy/etc. None of that is 100% sure to happen(also others would likely go to less moderated sites to spread such beliefs).
Why couldn't GOG spread such to their advantage? They could say that GOG forums allow freer speech than others(within the law) and still have a nice community for gaming/etc. They could bank all sorts of good PR/[profit from those into free speech above censored speech, if they played their cards right.
Sadly, though, most sites(including GOG, sadly) go the route of "censor x bad behavior(s)" and "apologize to Y group"(where Y group is the one it's more PC to be atm) instead of taking a stand for free speech(within reason) and standing by their customers(even the once with more controversial opinions).
No they wouldn't(unless GOG did it to take a loss in one arena while saving face/making gains in another) unless they broke some national/international law.
Not to be devil's advocate, but: If this isn't the place for such people, and the big 3(Twitter/Facebook/Youtube) aren't.....then where is? Heck, many banks/payment methods are banning people now for "wrongthink", making it nearly impossible for even well meaning citizens with controversial ideals from making a living and being heard.

That's why we have people pushing for massive amount of unchecked migration(due to inclusiveness, equality, etc) without background checks or any sort of vetting(for the most part), positive discrimination via affirmative action and employment quotas(along with massive push for inclusion of various groups into every niche in media), etc.
Addition: I(and some others) don't dislike ALL SJWs, and am not saying there aren't ones with valid complaints and causes which I support and get behind. There are. But there are also alot of schiesters, con men/women, etc.
Post edited April 09, 2019 by GameRager