Posted June 11, 2018

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018
And if black's last move was g7-g5, then white wins with h5-g6 en passant.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018

I won't say why yet. Look at the board and turn it back one move. Then you will see.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted June 11, 2018

I won't say why yet. Look at the board and turn it back one move. Then you will see.
I'm impressed. It took me an hour or so.

Registered: Apr 2017
From Greece
Posted June 11, 2018

I won't say why yet. Look at the board and turn it back one move. Then you will see.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018

I won't say why yet. Look at the board and turn it back one move. Then you will see.

I'm impressed. It took me an hour or so.

I love gold!
Registered: Jan 2010
From Ireland
Posted June 11, 2018
Post edited June 11, 2018 by ZFR

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted June 11, 2018

Best ever. And I'm not saying this lightly. I've been solving puzzles since times immemorial.
What if the king just moved to f5 after g5? But then it would be blacks turn. Yepp you're right afterall.
Post edited June 11, 2018 by blotunga

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018

Best ever. And I'm not saying this lightly. I've been solving puzzles since times immemorial.

What if the king just moved to f5 after g5?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

Old and Cranky
Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted June 11, 2018

EDIT: Oops. InkPanthers link included the source, sorry. Still, might be worth it to check out the book. It's called Poems And Problems.
Post edited June 11, 2018 by OneFiercePuppy

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018

... or maybe not.
Post edited June 11, 2018 by Lifthrasil

Durik - Half-Orc
Registered: Dec 2013
From Italy
Posted June 11, 2018
Mm.. this didn't seem that difficult, I think:
- white king to E6
- black king to F8 (if black moves the tower, loses anyway)
- white tower to D8
- check mate
I try these puzzles once in a while, but I'm often not sure (maybe not in this example):
- what are the black&white players' sides and so what's the allowed direction for pawns.
- who is moving first? If it says "White mates in 2" it always means that it's his turn, right?
- if special rules like the castling are still possible (e.g: is the king still in the its original place?)
Ah lol, castling was possible here.
Would the king end up in G8 and the tower in F8?
Mm.. this didn't seem that difficult, I think:
- white king to E6
- black king to F8 (if black moves the tower, loses anyway)
- white tower to D8
- check mate
I try these puzzles once in a while, but I'm often not sure (maybe not in this example):
- what are the black&white players' sides and so what's the allowed direction for pawns.
- who is moving first? If it says "White mates in 2" it always means that it's his turn, right?
- if special rules like the castling are still possible (e.g: is the king still in the its original place?)
Ah lol, castling was possible here.
Would the king end up in G8 and the tower in F8?
Post edited June 11, 2018 by phaolo

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2018

Mm.. this didn't seem that difficult, I think:
- white king to 6E
- black king to 8F (if black moves the tower, loses anyway)
- white tower to 8D
- check mate
I try these puzzles once in a while, but I'm often not sure (maybe not in this example):
- what are the black&white players' sides and so what's the allowed direction for pawns.
- who is moving first? If it says "White mates in 2" it always means that it's his turn, right?
- if special rules like the castling are still possible (e.g: is the king still in the its original place?)
white: Ke6
black: castles
--> checkmate in 2 averted.