Matewis: Personal favorites for their stories/general exposition :
KOTOR Pherim: Only if you play on the light side of the force. As a dark side character everything falls apart and it becomes painfully obvious how you have no influence whatsoever on the story (the game even admits that you have been merely a puppet on strings for the most time) and that it is actually not a very good game. The gameplay itself is pretty bad, controls and UI are clunky and consoly, especially the inventory, and combat is boring without any tactical depth despite the use of the D&D rules. The only redeeming factor in my opinion are the NPCs that can accompany the player, as some of them have quite interesting storylines. I know that many people hold this game in very high regard, and I used to be one of them, but there is not very much to it.
Someday I'll work up the will to do a dark playthrough, but as is I always chicken out and choose the light side :) Perhaps a little bit in part because I like using a purple/yellow/green lightsaber and those just don't look right for the dark side :P
Oh yes completely forgot about SoT, I remember being real engrossed in the story during the first playthrough. If only the actual gameplay aged a bit better (the fighting specifically). Though the story is almost, or just as good in Warrior Within, which I think aged a whole lot better. Prefer the vibe of Sands of Time though.