catpower1980: Counter-Attack! :o)
"Yes, but" the extra games are unlockables quite easily (no need to complete the game) and more importantly, you can get a good taste of two generations of gameplay in the series: the metroidvania one and the old-school one on the same disc. This makes it a version for the true fans. Period :o)
There is no need to complete the game, but there is still the need to find them and if you don't know where to look, you can still miss them. And before you say, "Google/Youtube it!", well, let's just say that I have given this advice too and didn't get the results that I wanted (looks that were basically saying to me "Fine, you don't want to help. Jerk.") For someone who just wants to play the game right now without faffing around, I wouldn't recommend Dracula X Chronicles. Sure, you'll end up paying more, but sometimes you just value your time more than your money. ;)
catpower1980: And also, you get some good re-recordings of classic tracks in the remake ^o^ I liked some of it, but I wouldn't consider it an improvement. I felt like it lacked something.