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And... it's gone!
Post edited November 17, 2015 by ZaineH
ZaineH: I still have System Shock 2 left if anyone is remotely interested. Even if its just to try and see if you like it!
I have it in Steam and it was in my backlog for a long time. I plan to play it, but it is buried deep by other games. If you don't mind that I am not going to play it in a long time, I will give it a warm welcome in my library.
siulebuo: I will give it a warm welcome in my library.
ZaineH: Sent!
Redeemed, thank you!

[Received] System Shock 2
Post edited November 17, 2015 by siulebuo
Nymes: I still have System Shock 2, Chronicles of Riddick and Banished free to give away! :)
turkishproverb: I'd love Banished, if you still have it, please
You have mail!
turkishproverb: I'd love Banished, if you still have it, please
Nymes: You have mail!
Thank you very very much.

System Shock 2 code still available.
Post edited November 18, 2015 by Matruchus
HAVE System Shock 2
HAVE Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Please reply to this post if you're interested.
Still HAVE a System Shock 2 Code.
If someone still has Banished left, I'm happy to take it. :)
I'd be interested in a code for Banished too.

I've got System Shock 2 and Chronicles of Riddick to give away if anyone wants them.
Aisujin: if you still have that ss2 code i'm interested
please and ty in advance :)
Enebias: Code successfully sent, enjoy! :)
tyvm and + for your kindness
If there's anyone still left who would like to get and play System Shock 2, reply to this post and I'll send the code.