Fairfox: Anybody want this? I bought the game on Humble a while ago for the DRM-freeness but I already owned a Steam copy from ageees ago, so it's going spare. I <3 the game a lot and you should too. inb4 Steam-raaaaah. SORRY I CAN ONLY OFFER DRM-ness in life! /drama
I accidentally clicked for it to offer me a code on Humble rather than create a gift link. It'll still work, right? It's just a key and I haven't manually done anything in Steam; I know in the past sometimes keys would auto attach (but not offer keys like this). So, um. Maybe you can draw me a crappy picture or something if you'd like the game key. I mean it wasn't going to be a competition and it's still not, rly, and it's probs not worth drawing a picture for a Steam key, but... FUN!
This is turning out very ramble-y :/. Draw me a pic of a Fairfox doing something cute.
I await
zero replies.
Also somebody else can pick a winner.
Or something?
Give it to the community giveaway - steam edition. Then it'll find a good home.