I remembered a rather interesting thing that can happen in Ultima 6.
In Ultima 6, there is a place where you can buy staves. A staff will come without any magical effect, but by casting the Enchant spell, you can place a charge on the staff, which can then be used by using the staff as an item (much the way you'd use a spellbook, but without picking a spell at the time of cast).
Ultima 6 also has a spell called Animate, which will turn an item into a creature. If the item is holding anything, whatever it's holding will drop to the ground. Now, items you generally think of as containers (like chests and bags) can't be animated, but some other items, like spellbooks and staves, can be. Animating a spellbook will cause its spells to fall onto the ground, allowing you to put only some of the spells back in or move them to a different spellbook.
On the other hand, animating a charged staff will cause its charges to fall onto the ground. Yes, charges are in fact objects that can fall out of a staff. Charges appear as the white letters "CH", can be walked over (like ground or most items), but can't be picked up (like ground but unlike items).
Does this make any sense?
There's other trickery that can happen in Ultima 6, like using Magic Lock spells to overwrite key-required locks with locks you can open with Unlock Magic, using Animate and Clone to duplicate items Replicate doesn't work on, and many other bizarre tricks that can be done.