I finally saw the "new" Blade Runner movie yesterday (from TV), and I am surprised how meh the whole movie was. I was expecting much more due to the good rating on e.g. imdb.com.
Oh well. I guess it was Rutger Hauer which made the first movie so great, and also the special effects were quite breathtaking back then. Now all the new CGI in the new movie feels just meh, the same problem with most modern movies. Oh, and the MUSIC in the first movie is so unforgettable, while... the music in the new movie didn't leave any impression on me.
The high point of the movie was when one of the prostitutes was speaking clear Finnish (after all, she is a Finnish actress), saying something like "Be careful, he is fucking dangerous." in Finnish (referring to the blade runner)
I knew that in the future androids talk Finnish, it is so close to assembly machine language.
Post edited March 27, 2020 by timppu