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OK, bookworms! It's time for a new year full of books!

If you want to make and update a post containing full list of books read in 2020, tell me with "INCLUDE ME" - I'll link the post with your username here (than you can remove "include me" and reaorganize a post as you wish). Feel free to PM me in any doubts or problems.

Than just come back once in a while to share your thoughts, interesting titles and reader's findings here.
Have a nice readings and wish you a lot of time for both games and books!


Previous years:

Great thanks for IShoot4lolz, madth3 and catpower1980, who maintained the previous years' editions!
Post edited September 20, 2020 by ciemnogrodzianin
Include me

Feb 3-22: The Way of Kings | 5/5 (GR | blog)
Mar 23-Apr 6: Words of Radiance | 5/5 (GR | blog)
Apr 19-21: Skykeep | 3/5 (GR | blog)
Apr 29-May 2: Ichor Well | 3/5 (GR | blog)
May 3-19: Planescape: Torment | 4/5 (GR | blog)
Aug 22-Sep 9: The Count of Monte Cristo | 3/5 (GR | blog)
Oct 21-25: Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization | 3/5 (GR | blog)
Oct 26-Nov 8: Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection | 4/5 (GR | blog)
Nov 9-12: Ali and Nino | 3/5 (GR | blog)
Nov 30-Dec 6: Thief | 2/5 (GR | blog)
Dec 8-10: Seneca despre libertate (Seneca About Freedom) | 2/5 (GR | blog)
Dec 13-29: Oathbringer | 5/5 (GR | blog)

2019 list
2018 list
2017 list
2016 list
2010-2015 list

To go further back, check my read shelf on Goodreads (doesn't seem to allow resorting if not logged on though? and defaults to sorting by date added instead of date read, which is a mess). List is also less complete the farther back you go.
Post edited January 04, 2021 by Cavalary
The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke
All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot
Into the Black by Evan Currie
The Heart of Matter by Evan Currie
Homeworld by Evan Currie
Out of the Black by Evan Currie
Warrior King by Evan Currie
Odysseus Awakening by Evan Currie
Odysseus Ascendant by Evan Currie
Shogun by James Clavell
All Things Wise and Wonderful by James Herriot
Dauntless by Jack Campbell
Fearless by Jack Campbell
Aftershocks by Marko Kloos
The Lord God Made Them All by James Herriot
The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis
Post edited January 03, 2021 by InkPanther
Shield, by Poul Anderson
Miss Fury, 1941-1944, by Tarpe Mills
Thune's Vision, by Schuyler Hernstrom
Tarzan and the Lost Empire, by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Miss Fury, 1944-1949, by Tarpe Mills
Amazing Stories, January 1942
Horror on the Links: The Collected Jules de Grandin, vol. 1, by Seabury Quinn
Amazing Stories, February 1942
Swordsmen From the Stars, by Poul Anderson
Post edited November 23, 2020 by andysheets1975
2019 List
2018 List
2017 List
2016 List

Books read in 2020:
The Road to Science Fiction #3 From Heinlein to Here edited by James Gunn
The Stars, Like Dust by Isaac Asimov
Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Forward the Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov
Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov
Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov
Tai-Pan by James Clavell
Earth Magic by Alexei & Cory Panshin
The Witches of Wenshar by Barbara Hambly
The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm translated by Jack Zipes
Stars in my Pocket like Grains of Sand by Samuel Delany
Vietnam A History The First Complete Account of Vietnam at War by Stanley Karnow
Post edited November 04, 2020 by DavidOrion93
Books read in 2020:

★★★★☆ Historia zwierzaka z wieszaka / Gellner, Dorota
★☆☆☆☆ Ping i Pong. Wesołe świnki / Wąsowicz, Olgierd
★☆☆☆☆ Uszy do góry! 10 opowieści na lepszy nastrój / Soler, Jaume
★★☆☆☆ Słowo na każdy dzień. Ewangelia 2019. Droga, Prawda i Życie / Zbiorowa, Praca
★☆☆☆☆ Zbrodnie robali. Wesz, która pokonała armię Napoleona, i inne diaboliczne insekty / Stewart, Amy
★★★☆☆ Krowa Matylda bawi się w chowanego / Steffensmeier, Alexander
★☆☆☆☆ Nekrosytuacje. Perełki z życia grabarza / Bailly, Guillaume
★★★★★ Piechotą do źródeł Orinoko / Cejrowski, Wojciech
★★★☆☆ Dżuma / Camus, Albert
★☆☆☆☆ Mały manipulator / Sztybor, Bartosz
★★☆☆☆ Lotnicze podróże zająca Patryka / Żochowska, Irmina
★★☆☆☆ Misia i jej mali pacjenci. Szkolna wycieczka / Cholewińska-Szkolik, Aniela
★★☆☆☆ Pamietnik Czarnego Noska / Porazińska, Janina
★★★★☆ Pepe idzie do kina / Garhamn, Anna-Karin
★★★☆☆ Święta dzieci z dachów / Sandén, Mårten
★★☆☆☆ Pytajnisie / Zimnowodzka, Agnieszka
★★★☆☆ Tuż przed Gwiazdką / Supeł, Barbara
★★★☆☆ Hubal / Komuda, Jacek
★☆☆☆☆ Znajdź swoje DLACZEGO. Droga do poczucia spełnienia i wewnętrznej motywacji / Sinek, Simon
★☆☆☆☆ NOT A BOOK: 15 tajemnic zarządzania czasem. O czym wiedzą ludzie sukcesu? / NOT A BOOK
★★★☆☆ Statystyka dla bystrzaków / Rumsey, Deborah J.
★☆☆☆☆ Punkty zapalne. Dwanaście rozmów o Polsce i świecie / Borowczyk, Jerzy
★★☆☆☆ Polska anarchia / Jasienica, Paweł
★★★☆☆ Siła woli. Poznaj i wykorzystaj mechanizmy samokontroli / McGonigal, Kelly
★★☆☆☆ Duch w pakamerze / Zbiorowa, Praca
★★☆☆☆ Zwierzęta Oli. Odwagi, mały marynarzu! / Doinet, Mymi
★★☆☆☆ Babula Babalunga / Jagiełło, Joanna
★★★★☆ Falco. Pies lotniskowy / Gawryluk, Barbara
★★★★☆ Czart. Pies lawinowy / Gawryluk, Barbara
★★☆☆☆ Nowy dom na Wyrębach II / Darda, Stefan
★★★☆☆ Remote: Office Not Required / Fried, Jason
★★★★☆ Niezwykły dzień / Zbiorowa, Praca
★★★☆☆ Uśmiech dla Żabki / Wechterowicz, Przemysław
★★☆☆☆ Linux. Komendy i polecenia / Sosna, Lukasz
★★★★★ The Hobbit, or There and Back Again / Tolkien, J.R.R.
★★★☆☆ Nie martw się, Misiu Tulisiu / Melling, David
★☆☆☆☆ Książkożercy. Pompon w opałach / Paszkiewicz, Anna
★★★☆☆ Łowcy dźwięków / Cholewińska-Szkolik, Aniela
★★☆☆☆ Jak nie spieprzyć życia swojemu dziecku / Marcela, Mikołaj
★★★☆☆ Druids, Vol. 1: The Ogham Sacrifice / Istin, Jean-Luc
★★★☆☆ Życie seksualne lemingów / Ziemkiewicz, Rafał A.
★★★★★ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe / Lewis, C.S.
★★★★★ Lew, Czarownica i Stara Szafa / Lewis, C.S.
★★★★☆ Kariera Nikodema Dyzmy / Dołęga-Mostowicz, Tadeusz
★★★★☆ Układy i układanki / Braun, Grzegorz
★☆☆☆☆ Laguna / Okorafor, Nnedi
★☆☆☆☆ Is la blanche / Istin, Jean-Luc
★★★☆☆ Praktyka czyni mistrza. Wzorce, inspiracje i praktyki rzemieślników programowania / Hoover, Dave
★★★☆☆ Wrota Czasu / Baccalario, Pierdomenico
★★★★☆ Modlitwa. Tajemnica spotkania człowieka z Bogiem / Świderkówna, Anna
★★★☆☆ Przerywam zmowę milczenia / Lenga, Jan Paweł
★★★☆☆ The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution / Zuckerman, Gregory
★★★☆☆ Podróże Guliwera / Swift, Jonathan
★★★★★ Wydech / Chiang, Ted
★☆☆☆☆ Rzeka podziemna / Jastrun, Tomasz
★★★☆☆ Pucio uczy się mówić / Galewska-Kustra, Marta
★☆☆☆☆ Pomelo wyrusza za mur ogrodu / Badescu, Ramona
★★★★☆ Co robi Pucio? / Galewska-Kustra, Marta
★★☆☆☆ Tosia czeka na braciszka / Minge, Natalia
★★★★☆ Rowerem i pieszo przez Czarny Ląd. Listy z podróży afrykańskiej z lat 1931-1936 / Nowak, Kazimierz
★★★★★ Poszukiwacze skarbu / Nesbit, E.
★★☆☆☆ 14:57 do Czyty. Reportaże z Rosji / Miecik, Igor T.
★★★★☆ Kasiarze, doliniarze i zwykłe rzezimieszki. Przestępczy półświatek II RP / Kienzler, Iwona
★★★★☆ Tata bohater. Jak być mocnym ojcem, którego dzieci potrzebują / Meeker, Meg
★★★★☆ Kasacja / Mróz, Remigiusz
★★★★☆ Żar. Oddech Afryki / Rosiak, Dariusz
★★★★☆ Głód / Katsu, Alma
★☆☆☆☆ Tokio / Miura, Tarō
★★★★☆ Gdy Pola się zgubi / Rzepecka-Weiss, Gabriela
★★★★☆ Ptaki i ich pióra / Teckentrup, Britta
★★☆☆☆ Zaginięcie / Mróz, Remigiusz
★★★☆☆ Bóg albo nic / Sarah, Robert
★☆☆☆☆ Podziemia. W głąb czasu / Macfarlane, Robert
★★★★☆ Szkoła Mówców. Myśl i prezentuj inaczej niż wszyscy / Buksak, Lidia
★★★★☆ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / Twain, Mark
★★☆☆☆ Buszujący w zbożu / Salinger, J.D.
★☆☆☆☆ Anatomia Góry. Osiem tysięcy metrów ponad marzeniami / Fronia, Rafał
★★★★☆ O północy w Czarnobylu. Nieznana prawda o największej nuklearnej katastrofie / Higginbotham, Adam
★★★☆☆ Ćmony i Smeśki / Donaldson, Julia
★★★☆☆ Warszawa. Piżamorama. / Bertrand, Frédérique
★★☆☆☆ Ważne rzeczy / Carnavas, Peter
★★★☆☆ Historie zamiecione pod dywan / Zimnowodzka, Agnieszka
★★★☆☆ Pudło. Opowieści z polskich więzień / Olszewska, Nina
★★★☆☆ Gryzak. Książkopotworek / Yarlett, Emma
★★☆☆☆ Dziecko Gruffalo / Donaldson, Julia
★★☆☆☆ Kocham was równie mocno, maluszki! / Chapman, Jane
★☆☆☆☆ To nienormalne! / Pavón, Mar
★☆☆☆☆ Mama w galopie / Tello, Jimena
★★☆☆☆ Miś Tuliś bawi się w chowanego / Melling, David
★★★☆☆ Owco, Śpij! / Sparrow, Kerry Lyn
★★★☆☆ Miś Tuliś kocha małe ptaszki / Melling, David
★★☆☆☆ Mogę wejść? / Arnold, Marsha Diane
★☆☆☆☆ Dzień w Zwierzaczkowie. Strażacy przy pracy / Rentta, Sharon
★★★★☆ Historia małej popielicy, która nie mogła spać / Bohlmann, Sabine
★★☆☆☆ Leon w przedszkolu / Bloch, Serge
★★★☆☆ Co rośnie w sadzie / Mikhalitsyna, Kateryna
★★☆☆☆ Profesor Astrokot odkrywa kosmos / Walliman, Dominic
★★★☆☆ Kotki z płotka, czyli od jednego do dziesięciu i z powrotem / Strzałkowska, Małgorzata
★★★☆☆ Oskar Pazurek / Wechterowicz, Przemysław
★★☆☆☆ Kotki, koty, kocury / Scobie, Lorna
★★★★★ Co rośnie w parku / Mikhalitsyna, Kateryna
★☆☆☆☆ Gryzak. Księga dinozaurów / Yarlett, Emma
★☆☆☆☆ Mikołajek i Wielki Cyrk Kolegów / Goscinny, René
★★☆☆☆ Jeszcze pięć minut / Altés, Marta
★☆☆☆☆ Tumfacek i Zbieg z Okoliczności / Garstka, Jakub
★★★☆☆ Making Work Visible: Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow / Degrandis, Dominica
★★★★☆ Odwiedziła mnie żyrafa / Wygodzki, Stanisław
★★★☆☆ Lis, sąsiad i nasza planeta / Tigre, Fibre
★☆☆☆☆ Kto przytuli Misia Tulisia? / Melling, David
★☆☆☆☆ Niebezpieczna podróż / Jansson, Tove
★★★☆☆ Minus Trzy. Marzenie o własnym zwierzaku. / Krause, Ute
★★☆☆☆ Głowa do liczb / Oakley, Barbara
★★★☆☆ Imperium chmur / Dukaj, Jacek
★★★★☆ Rok w lesie / Bartíková, Petra
★★★★★ Pacyfik i Eurazja. O wojnie / Bartosiak, Jacek
★☆☆☆☆ Oskar. Głodny jednorożec / Carter, Lou
★★☆☆☆ Podwodny świat. Opowieść o Jacques'u Cousteau / Berne, Jennifer
★★★★☆ Dziennik: wrześniowa obrona Warszawy / Lipiński, Wacław
★★★★☆ Na wsi. Akademia mądrego dziecka. Pierwsze slowa / Choux, Nathalie
★★★☆☆ Historia zwierzaka zza krzaka / Gellner, Dorota
★★★★☆ Rymowane zwierzątkowo. Zbiorowo / Moryc, Katarzyna
★★★☆☆ Mały krokodyl i wielka miłość / Kulot, Daniela
★☆☆☆☆ Walenty i spółka ruszają w świat. Kryminał dietetyczny / Oworuszko, Monika
★☆☆☆☆ Antek i potworki. Potworki na urodzinach / Davidson, Zanna
★★★☆☆ Lato Stiny / Anderson, Lena
★★★☆☆ Święty codzienności / Aardweg, Gerard J. M. van den
★★★★★ Krew, pot i piksele. Chwalebne i niepokojące opowieści o tym, jak robi się gry / Schreier, Jason
★☆☆☆☆ Pippi w parku / Lindgren, Astrid
★☆☆☆☆ Lalo gra na bębnie / Susso, Eva
★★★☆☆ Dom babci / Montgomery, Ross
★☆☆☆☆ Zaczarowana zagroda / Centkiewicz, Alina
★★☆☆☆ O niezwykłym chłopcu, który pożerał książki / Jeffers, Oliver
★☆☆☆☆ Ignacy idzie do przedszkola / Olbrycht, Ada
★★☆☆☆ Pajak Patryk + pacynka / Zbiorowa, Praca
★★★☆☆ Recommender Systems: An Introduction / Jannach, Dietmar
★★★★☆ Recommender Systems: The Textbook / Aggarwal, Charu C.
★★★☆☆ Recommender Systems Handbook / Ricci, Francesco
★★★☆☆ Mały atlas motyli Ewy i Pawła Pawlaków / Kozyra-Pawlak, Ewa
★★★★★ Rozbitkowie z "Chancellora" / Verne, Jules
★★☆☆☆ Tak dziś jemy. Biografia jedzenia / Wilson, Bee
★★★☆☆ Książka moich rozczarowań / Mackiewicz, Stanisław
★★☆☆☆ Kolorowy potwór idzie do przedszkola / Llenas, Anna
★★☆☆☆ Małe historie o wielkich marzeniach / Milewska, Marta H.
★★☆☆☆ Co robisz z szansą? / Yamada, Kobi
★★★☆☆ Mały miś idzie do przedszkola / Bator, Agnieszka
★★★☆☆ Mały miś czeka na braciszka / Bator, Agnieszka
★★★☆☆ Mały miś się złości / Bator, Agnieszka
★★★★☆ Pory roku krok po kroku. Wiosna / Moryc, Katarzyna
★★☆☆☆ Urodziny lamy Lenki / Filak, Patrycja
★★★☆☆ Taka praca nie ma sensu! / Schwartz, Tony
★★★☆☆ Mela i Groszek. Nowy kolega Groszka / Skibińska, Ewa
★★★★☆ Maja dorasta. Niezbędnik dorastającej dziewczynki / Peitx, Mònica
★★★★☆ Moja wielka wyszukiwanka. Zwierzęta świata / Gernhauser, Susanne
★☆☆☆☆ Mój dom / Desbordes, Astrid
★★★☆☆ Jestem przedszkolakiem. Zima / Antosiewicz, Agnieszka
★★★★★ Rozmowy z Bogiem. Tom I: Adwent i Boże Narodzenie / Fernández-Carvajal, Francisco
★★★☆☆ Zwariowane wakacje taty Oli / Brunstrøm, Thomas
★★★☆☆ Nie, nie, nie! / Callier, Marie-Isabelle
★★☆☆☆ Nie chcę być mały / Anderson, Laura Ellen

Previous years:

Next year:
Post edited January 02, 2025 by ciemnogrodzianin
Include me, thanks for creating the thread.

03/04/20: - Torsten Diedrich: Paulus. Das Trauma von Stalingrad. Eine Biographie.
- John Keay: India. A history. From the earliest civilizations to the boom of the 21st century.

Continued here:
Post edited November 09, 2020 by morolf
* Wrath of Empires, Book 2 of the 2nd Powdermage Trilogy by Brian McClellan.
* Order of the Stick #1/2, Good Deeds Gone Unpunished
* Blood of Empires, Book 3 of 2nd Powdermage Trilogy by Brian McClellan
* Child of Fire by Harry Connolly (Twenty Palaces series)
* Smoke Bitten by Patricia Briggs (Mercy Thompson/Mercyverse)
* Fantastic Hope (ed., Laurell Hamilton -- collection of shorts)

* How Long 'til Black Future Month? N K Jemisin
Post edited June 24, 2020 by mqstout
Thanks for making this thread ! Let's go to the list :

1 - Les sectes mercenaires - Bertrand Delcour
2 - The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents - Terry Pratchett
3 - Alone - Thomas Geha
4 - Terror on Broadway - David Alexander
5 - The Kingdom of the Wicked - Anthony Burgess
6 - Before I say good-bye - Mary Higgins Clark
7 - Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld
8 - Behemoth - Scott Westerfeld
9 - Goliath - Scott Westerfeld
10 - Azure Bonds - Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
11 - The Wyvern's Spur - Jeff Grubb & Kate Novak
12 - Tanks - The History of Armoured Warfare - Robin Cross and David Willey
13 - La forêt d'Iscambe - Christian Charrière
14 - 2132 - Kim Stanley Robinson
15 - The man who ended History: A documentary - Ken Liu
16 - Robots of Dawn - Isaac Asimov
17 - Robots and Empire - Isaac Asimov
18 - Les racines du mal - Maurice G. Dantec
19 - The Currents of Space - Isaac Asimov
20 - Chasse Royale - Rois du Monde II-I / De meute à mort - Jean-Philippe Jaworski
21 - Shadows Linger - Glen Cook
22 - A World Between - Norman Spinrad
23 - Le GAL l'égout - Roger Martin
24 - The Wolf of Wall Street - Jordan Belfort
25 - Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
26 - Ouarzazate et mourir - Hervé Prudon
27 - Anathem - Neal Stephenson
28 - FBI - Fabrizio Calvi
29 - Joyland - Stephen King
30 - Le Saint des seins - Guillaume Nicloux
31 - Allah recherche l'autant perdu - Roger Dadoun
Post edited December 14, 2020 by xa_chan
My reading list for 2019 - The start of which explains my ongoing setup etc.

Still reading some from last year, and even a few from prior years.

Currently I am enjoying CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) very much.
As noted by some, it is a long story, so while I have read a lot, I am (or was) still near the beginning of the first book.
Some Info here at GOG, with my comments about the trilogy etc.
And yes, I did in the end grab Book 4 while it was still at 40% off ... I'd read enough to be sure I like the way the author writes.

Sometimes an entry is spread over two lines, with the first line being (italic text) Omnibus information, leading with story rank (order).

The following contains - Past, Current, Projected. Projected is of course subject to change based on impulse.

... 00 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC - 4-NOV-94 --> still reading
... 06 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC
89 - ISAAC ASIMOV [2] - I, ROBOT - HC - 4-NOV-94 --> 10-NOV-94
... 05 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC
61 - ISAAC ASIMOV [6] - THE NAKED SUN - HC - 24-AUG-97 --> 26-AUG-97
... 00 - CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF - 21-DEC-19 --> 15-JUL-20
.. . 01 - CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF
74 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [1] - NOT ALONE - PCF - 21-DEC-19 --> 10-JAN-20
1-3 - Kristie Lynn Higgins ... Kitten And Kraken (Sample) - MIDNIGHT BLUE VM MYSTERY - 2-JAN-20 --> 2-JAN-20
3 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [9] - POMPEII'S GHOSTS - PCF - 12-JAN-20 --> 16-JAN-20
4 - VAL McDERMID [20] - CLEAN BREAK - PCF - 17-JAN-20 --> 21-JAN-20
1-1 - Kristie Lynn Higgins ... Midnight Blue Valerian Murder Mystery - MIDNIGHT BLUE VM MYSTERY - 22-JAN-20 --> 22-JAN-20
1-2 - Kristie Lynn Higgins ... The Missing Japanese Chin Mystery (Sample) - MIDNIGHT ... MYSTERY - 22-JAN-20 --> 22-JAN-20
5 - TERRY GOODKIND [19] - NEST - PCF - 22-JAN-20 --> 3-FEB-20
6 - SOPHIE HANNAH [2] - CLOSED CASKET - PCF - 4-FEB-20 --> 12-FEB-20
7 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [10] - AMAZON BURNING - PCF - 14-FEB-20 --> 18-FEB-20
8 - VAL McDERMID [21] - BLUE GENES - PCF - 19-FEB-20 --> 26-FEB-20
... 02 - CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF
9 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [2] - NOT ALONE: Second Contact - PCF - 26-FEB-20 --> 4-MAR-20
10 - C.J. BOX [32] - THE BITTERROOTS - PCF - 6-MAR-20 --> 9-MAR-20
... 00 - H.Y. HANNA - The Oxford Tearoom Mysteries: Books 0-2 (Omnibus) - PCF - 9-MAR-20 --> 6-APR-20
... 03 - H.Y. HANNA - The Oxford Tearoom Mysteries: Books 0-2 (Omnibus) - PCF
11 - H.Y. HANNA [3] - TEA WITH MILK AND MURDER (Book 2) - PCF - 9-MAR-20 --> 14-MAR-20
12 - MERVYN PEAKE [4] - MR. PYE - PCF - 15-MAR-20 --> 27-MAR-20
13 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [11] - The Protocol - Bonus Epilogue - PCF - 28-MAR-20 --> 28-MAR-20
14 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [12] - THE RIDDLE - PCF - 29-MAR-20 --> 3-APR-20
... 01 - H.Y. HANNA - The Oxford Tearoom Mysteries: Books 0-2 (Omnibus) - PCF
15 - H.Y. HANNA [4] - ALL-BUTTER SHORTDEAD (Book 0) - PCF - 4-APR-20 --> 6-APR-20
16 - V.L. McDERMID [22] - BOOKED FOR MURDER - PCF - 8-APR-20 --> 12-APR-20
... 01 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC
17 - ISAAC ASIMOV [10] - FOUNDATION - HC - 13-APR-20 --> 20-APR-20
18 - ALEXANDER McCALL SMITH [14] - Varg In Love - PCF - 20-APR-20 --> 20-APR-20
21 - ALEXANDER McCALL SMITH [17] - Varg In Love - PCF - 1-MAY-20 --> 1-MAY-20 (Re-Read)
... 02 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC
22 - ISAAC ASIMOV [11] - FOUNDATION AND EMPIRE - HC - 2-MAY-20 --> 10-MAY-20
23 - H.Y. HANNA [5] - TWO DOWN, BUN TO GO - PCF - 11-MAY-20 --> 15-MAY-20
24 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [13] - BLOOD RELICS - PCF - 16-MAY-20 --> 19-MAY-20
25 - Various - WASTELANDS 3: The New Apocalypse - PCF - 17-MAY-20 --> currently reading
... 01 - Elizabeth Bear - Bullet Point - WASTELANDS 3 - PCF - 17-MAY-20 --> 17-MAY-20
26 - VAL McDERMID [23] - STAR STRUCK - PCF - 19-MAY-20 --> 23-MAY-20
... 02 - Sofia Samatar - The Red Thread - WASTELANDS 3 - PCF - 22-MAY-20 --> 22-MAY-20
28 - PETER BROWN [1] - THE WILD ROBOT - PCF - 5-JUN-20 --> 8-JUN-20
... 03 - ISAAC ASIMOV - ISAAC ASIMOV (Omnibus) - HC
29 - ISAAC ASIMOV [12] - SECOND FOUNDATION - HC - 8-JUN-20 --> 25-JUN-20
31 - VAL McDERMID [24] - A PLACE OF EXECUTION - PCF - 2-JUL-20 --> 6-JUL-20
... 03 - CRAIG A. FALCONER - The Contact Trilogy: Books 1-3 (Omnibus) - PCF
32 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [3] - NOT ALONE: The Final Call - PCF - 9-JUL-20 --> 15-JUL-20
33 - H.Y. HANNA [6] - TILL DEATH DO US TART - PCF - 16-JUL-20 --> 19-JUL-20
34 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [15] - TICK TOCK - PCF - 20-JUL-20 --> 23-JUL-20
35 - TERRY PRATCHETT [58] - RAISING STEAM - PCF - 23-JUL-20 --> 31-JUL-20
37 - VAL McDERMID [25] - KILLING THE SHADOWS - PCF - 4-AUG-20 --> 10-AUG-20
38 - RAFAEL SABATINI [33] - The Reaping - PCF - 11-AUG-20 --> 14-AUG-20
39 - H.Y. HANNA [7] - MUFFINS AND MOURNING TEA - PCF - 15-AUG-20 --> 17-AUG-20
40 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [4] - Not Alone: First Encounter - PCF - 18-AUG-20 --> 21-AUG-20
41 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [5] - Not Alone: Kendrick DRAFT - PCF - 22-AUG-20 --> 23-AUG-20
42 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [16] - THE REDEEMER - PCF - 23-AUG-20 --> 25-AUG-20
43 - ISAAC ASIMOV [13] - FOUNDATION'S EDGE - Pb - 26-AUG-20 --> 13-SEP-20
44 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [6] - Not Alone: Byrd / Norris DRAFT - PCF - 14-SEP-20 --> 14-SEP-20
45 - H.Y. HANNA [8] - SILENT BUD DEADLY - PCF - 14-SEP-20 --> 17-SEP-20
46 - V.L. McDERMID [26] - HOSTAGE TO MURDER - PCF - 18-SEP-20 --> 23-SEP-20
47 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [7] - Not Alone: Cole DRAFT - 24-SEP-20 --> 24-SEP-20
48 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [17] - ROGUE OPERATOR - PCF - 28-SEP-20 --> 2-OCT-20
49 - ISAAC ASIMOV [14] - FOUNDATION AND EARTH - Pb - 2-OCT-20 --> 8-OCT-20
50 - LEIGHANN DOBBS [1] - KILLER CUPCAKES - PCF - 8-OCT-20 --> 10-OCT-20
51 - KATHY REICHS [1] - DEJA DEAD - PCF - 10-OCT-20 --> 14-OCT-20
52 - ROBERT GALBRAITH [5] - TROUBLED BLOOD - TRA - 16-OCT-20 --> 23-OCT-20
53 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [18] - THE TURNED - PCF - 24-OCT-20 --> 26-OCT-20
54 - LEIGHANN DOBBS [2] - DYING FOR DANISH - PCF - 26-OCT-20 --> 27-OCT-20
55 - CRAIG A. FALCONER [8] - Not Alone: Timo DRAFT - PCF - 27-OCT-20 --> 27-OCT-20
56 - KATHY REICHS [2] - DEATH DU JOUR - PCF - 28-OCT-20 --> 1-NOV-20
58 - TERRY BROOKS [34] - WARDS OF FAERIE - TRA - 6-NOV-20 --> 12-NOV-20
59 - TERRY BROOKS [35] - BLOODFIRE QUEST - TRA - 13-NOV-20 --> 14-NOV-20
60 - TERRY BROOKS [36] - WITCH WRAITH - TRA - 14-NOV-20 --> 17-NOV-20
62 - C.J. BOX [33] - LONG RANGE - PCF - 23-NOV-20 --> 26-NOV-20
63 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [20] - COLD WARRIORS - PCF - 27-NOV-20 --> 1-DEC-20
65 - RAFAEL SABATINI [34] - CHIVALRY - HC - 8-DEC-20 --> 12-DEC-20
66 - VAL McDERMID [27] - STRANDED - PCF - 12-DEC-20 --> 16-DEC-20
67 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [21] - DEATH TO AMERICA - PCF - 16-DEC-20 --> 19-DEC-20
68 - H.Y. HANNA [9] - DARK, WITCH & CREAMY - PCF - 20-DEC-20 --> 24-DEC-20
69 - J. ROBERT KENNEDY [22] - PAYBACK - PCF - 26-DEC-20 --> 27-DEC-20
70 - H.Y. HANNA [10] - FOUR PUDDINGS AND A FUNERAL - PCF - 27-DEC-20 --> 29-DEC-20
71 - ROBERT JORDAN [21] - WARRIOR OF THE ALTAII - PCF - 30-DEC-20 --> 6-JAN-21

I am determined to also get back into reading Swashbuckling Historical Romance and true core SciFi this year ... both of which I have been neglecting the last few years.
Post edited November 28, 2021 by Timboli
My first book of 2020 was in the plane who brought me back from my parents' coutry to where i live now.

Les sectes mercenaires - Bertrand Delcour

Again a "Le poulpe" series, with the same ingredients than the other books of that serie which every volume is written by a different author.
Quite nice this one, even if the base principle of a "Le poulpe" is followed: a mysterious murder, Le poulpe goes there to see what happened really, there's a beautiful woman and we're generally speaking of sects or far-right groups. And still with this author there, it worked!

So far in 2020:
I've also read about 120 pages of another story, and on the PC of all places, which is something very rare for me to do, and what is even rarer, it was a Sample, which I normally avoid like the plague.

It kind of all happened by accident.

I'd gotten a free ebook from Amazon by way of BookBub, which had led to me seeing a Mystery book that I thought might be ok.

Midnight Blue Valerian Murder Mystery

I'd converted it to a non Kindle format, but errors had been reported during conversion, so I thought I would quickly check the ebook out.

Unbeknownst to me, until I opened it, the ebook contained 3 stories ... or so it seemed.

While checking the third story, the writing captured my attention, and I just kept reading until I reached the end, where unsatisfactorily it declared itself the end of the Sample, and if I wanted to read more I would need to get the full novel. What a bugger. Anyway, a few days later I did chase that novel up and buy it for about $4.50 AUD. It was quite an unusual story, and had me hooked and I wanted to find out more.

Kitten And Kraken

While I was looking for that, I discovered the author had a bunch of other free ebooks, which I also grabbed. Going back again tonight to get the links, I discovered many of those are no longer free, but a few of her others now are. You can I also discovered, find many of her (Kristie Lynn Higgins) stories free at Smashwords and at Kobo.

Her stories are very different, to say the least ... and she seems to have written very many.

Don't be fooled by the titles either, as quite often there are adventure, fantasy, horror and apocalyptic scifi elements along with any mystery suggested by the title. The two I listed above have Dystopian elements.
Post edited January 08, 2020 by Timboli
Finished Reads

1. Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. What a cruel cliffhanger. Long wait for the next book... The downside of series lol.
2. Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett (reread)
3. Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett
4. The Cardboard Kingdom by Chad Sell (graphic novel)
5. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Post edited July 13, 2020 by ZiTheBookishGamer
Started reading Bram Stoker's Dracula after watching a documentary on all the different films and deviations they took from the source material I felt compelled to read it.
OK, the first readings in 2020 were a bit unfortunate...

★☆☆ Wicked Bugs: The Louse That Conquered Napoleon's Army and Other Diabolical Insects / Amy Stewart, Briony Morrow-Cribbs

Click-bait title and the same with contents. Lacks scientific background and credibility, no reasonable order or approach to the (interesing, indeed) subject. Great pictures.

★☆☆ Nekrosytuacje. Perełki z życia grabarza / Guillaume Bailly

It was bestseller in France, afair, but I have no idea how that happened. No sense of humor, boring anecdotes, nothing you actually don't know; trust me, the book has nothing to offer.

List of all books read in 2020.
Post edited January 10, 2020 by ciemnogrodzianin