Posted April 29, 2021
IMO this "buy CP2077 at GOG to support CDPR" was a big marketing stunt, as almost everything related to that game, and for some reason I doubt it was that successful and made that many people consider GOG instead of another platform (when they usually buy there and not at GOG). But I don't know real numbers so it's just my thoughts on that.
On page 78 there is a graphic exactly (in pixels unfortunately and not in numbers) for "Chart 30 Sales of goods and materials in the segment in 2018–2020 (PLN thousands)" which shows the effect of CP2077:
I think ~45% of 2020 are due to CP2077 (but I am not good at estimating pixels and didn try use a program or sth for it - better look it up yourself) so there was some non-CP2077-growth over the previous year/s but nowhere near that what those +114% in the .jpg suggest to the foolish reader.
"The highlight of early December was the release of Cyberpunk 2077 –’s most important new release in 2077 and the biggest event in the online store’s to-date history."
(And its quite impressive that GOG will survive until 2077 - wonder where they got this information from...)
From the same .pdf about profit(?) for 2019 and/or 2020 onwards - unfortunately this is not quantified/explained properly. Anyway point being that part of their growth is simply due to better taxation:
On 24 January 2020 CD PROJEKT received a crucial individual interpretation of tax law. According to the inter-pretation, eligible revenues obtained by the Company from commercializing copyright to its video games may, as a rule, be subject to preferential taxation with an income tax rate of 5%
Also: If you want to see what Shareholders believe about CDPs (which includes GOG) growth/profit (potential) - just look at the share price curve - like here: