Magnitus: If you drop the Devotion angle, I'll say I'm sympathetic to the boycott based on the DRM aspect.
However, I will not penalize indie devs because GOG can't stick to their guns concerning DRM and appear unwilling to rigorously document to what extent their games aren't DRM-free.
Heck, the creator of Unepic just released another game. I'm gonna boycott him because of GOG? Not in my lifetime.
GOG is just a store. If it gets to the point where I want to go "full boycott", I will just change store (if you are mostly interested in indie games, I believe there are more options) and won't come back.
Unmetal is also on the versus evil store. Not sure if there games are drm free, I asked on Twitter, when I will get the answer if it's drm free you can get Unmetal without using gog.
For what we know it could also be drm free on steam (many games are) or epic, or you could use the open source alternative to steam api Goldberg
Ps. Unepic is drm free both on humble bundle and on the official developer website, so there is a good chance for Unmetal too
Ps2. Unmetal is not drm free on steam, still not sure about the epic version and the versus evil store version
Ps3. No luck for the versus evil store, they sell steam key. If the epic store use a drm too maybe the steam api alternative will work. Of course I don't support developers that make it harder to get the drm free version of a game.