Zrevnur: They mass deleted threads about Devotion after Devotion removal... And during that time deleted a thread I made which had nothing to do with Devotion and didnt break any rules. So I dont think they were told to ignore the board.
My apologies for not being more clear earlier.
What I meant by "ignoring the board" is that they haven't replied to the threads regarding devotion other than to mod/lock/delete threads/posts.
Sidenote: They also
seemingly have been avoiding modding too many users for smaller infractions re: their posts and avatars on the devotion subject which might normally go against the forum tos.
(for example, the mentions of ccp/xinnie the pooh/etc usually netted warnings or "time outs" from staff before the devotion debacle)
Zrevnur: Major shareholders of CDP are execs and/or board members.
They also have non-staff shareholders as well, I believe.
Now of course(assuming the same laws apply in Poland) the majority(staff) shareholders wouldn't likely call a vote of no confidence on themselves, but the non-staff minority shareholders might......like if the company were to say do something to cut itself out of a certain market segment through it's actions.
Essentially, greed for them chyna bux likely influenced their decision re: Devotion, but I am guessing some of them possibly losing their jobs by displeasing the others shareholders also played a part in their decision.