Timboli: If they are doing it manually, maybe, but if they have a script or bot that does it automatically then it is like a set and forget, especially if the post is fully zapped and never seen even as a hidden place marker.
Just think what they must have felt to write that script in the first place. I mean someone had to trigger him so bad that he created that script. Like first love or something. Sure later usages of the script might have meant less but every single one have to remind him the first one at least to some degree. Also the targets should care about rep or it would be pointless.
Timboli: There would be people downvoting or hiding on GOG for a variety of reasons, upvoting too, but there is also some body engaging in a deliberate war or targeting beyond the norms ... so beyond reasonable.
By hiding do you mean that they observe and read but don't post themselves?
Timboli: At the end of the day, REP just really isn't that important. I certainly don't judge by it, except where the user has a very high negative REP, which shows they either have enemies or post a lot controversially.
I always judge others by my own interpretation of or experience with them, not by using the view of others ... same as I do in the non virtual world. I'll never be a good candidate for Mob Rule or Mob Hysteria, where the individual mind is subdued by the collective one ... like with Ants or Bees or Sheep.
For me low or negative rep shows that someone is rebel and anarchist and they don't care about social norms and formalities. They are strong individuals who dare to have independent thoughts and express them even if others disagree. Or that's what it should show IF it would work as intended. But since it doesn't work it's sorta pointless "feature".
It could be something IF let's say there are stats tracked like for example whose posts you have liked and how many. What keywords are the most common in posts you have liked. Or who likes your posts. You know, like some meaningful data behind the click. Or automatic tracker that knows which posts you have already read and which not.
Or the ability to mark posts with different flags/tags useful, informative, funny, agreeable etc.
Or the ability to hide posts automatically that contain certain keywords so snowflakes who find some things unsavoury wouldn't get triggered. Better than censoring for everyone anyway.
I mean there are so many things Gog could do. Being (relatively) small company gives the oportunity to try different things and to lead the industry with innovation rather than lagging behind behemoths.
Pangaea666: Maybe you can't spam, but you can certainly troll. Some have made it their life mission in here. It's been going on for years, so apparently GOG are fine with it. Maybe not "grave" enough to warrant penalties or bans *shrug*
Friendly pisstake is not trolling. There's no trolling here. Humorous dissing maybe. Also it's fantasy-racism to assume the worst from trolls. I hope that one day trolls could be treated equally with humans and elves alike. Without prejudice and slurs.
rtcvb32: Apparently it's really effective to piss one of them off first; Then reply to their comments... Just reminded somehow i pissed off Tiny-E or someone, and replied with a perfectly reasonable answer, only for them to snap at me and telling me not to reply to them...
That account goes by the name of "Fuk the Anti-Vaxxers" now but he has many names.
Orkhepaj: yup the data is there , only need a not that hard query to find the abusers
It's probably something only admin could see but it would take too much hustle to track all that down. I doubt mods or ordinary staff could do anything about it.
nightcraw1er.488: As for security and privacy, they have all the usual Facebook, Google linked in, so security and privacy is zero, or less.
I didn't mean FB and Google. You can block third party scripts and cookies with ease. Of course I don't like them being here but I don't even see them. If you set your browser up correctly then neither should you. (Except for checkout if I remember correctly)