50urc3c0d3: EGS: Albeit still has to be installed to be an installer for a game. But once that game it installed, you can completely uninstall EGS.
GameRager: If true then EGS is better than steam in that regard.
It's completely true actually. EGS has no inherent DRM. The shortcuts for each game, by default, are set to seek out the EGS launcher. However, you can make all your own real shortcuts from the real game file.
In fact, it's hilarious when the games are already installed in your PC outside of EGS default directory. If you install EGS, they will show up in your library as not installed. And will only have the option to install the game. Not to launch it. There's no way, even I know of to get the EGS launcher to recognize the game is already installed.
50urc3c0d3: Well it turns out I was completely wrong in my assessment about EGS being a DRM. They aren't DRM. So them being another Steam is out the window for this very reason.
Therefore, here we have Steam - a DRM with a storefront launcher (albeit devs can opt out of the DRM feature). GOG is a store that only allows completely DRM-free games. And they are fully browser based with completely optional launcher.
Turns out, EGS is no more than just a storefront launcher. No DRM.
Steam: OK I had to download this bloatware to install my game. Now I can uninstall it, and play my game right? Wrong! Steam has to stay installed for as you want to be playing the game. And run while you play.
EGS: Albeit still has to be installed to be an installer for a game. But once that game it installed, you can completely uninstall EGS.
eric5h5: This is false. Epic store is exactly as DRMed as Steam is, no more and no less. There are DRM-free games on Steam where you can download them, then delete Steam entirely and still play the games. (Since you apparently missed it the first time:
https://steam.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games) Meanwhile, there are games on Epic's store where if you delete the Epic launcher, you cannot play. How is that any different?
Because what you're saying doesn't exist. The only games that require EGS launcher are (naturally) free online games. Any normal game you buy has no attachment to EGS. Beause EGS has no inherent DRM. The only thing is the shortcut they give you by default, will try to launch EGS. However, you can completely uninstall EGS, and launch all your games from their actual directory just like any GOG game.
In terms of 'installer', true enough, there isn't one. You do have to install EGS launcher to purchase/install a game. This, however, isn't a DRM. It's just the installation interface they stick you with. But once it's installed. EGS is absolutely not requiired.