johnnygoging: Actually in truth most Canadians don't really care for the monarchy. We don't have that sort of cultural commonality with England. There is still affinity for England itself and a lot of British culture but not really any particular interest in the monarchy. As for the hockey bit.. well...
I dunno. In my experience (and it is just in my own experience around Canada), the Canadian attitude is more one of ambivalence. Whenever someone comes up with the idea of divesting ourselves from the monarchy it always seems to draw a surprising amount of vehement opposition. But on the other hand, you don't see a lot of people waving around Union Jacks and singing Rue Britannia around pictures of Queen Elizabeth II.
We sure don't have a lot of cultural commonality with England these days, short of the older generation who were around when ties to England were superficially a lot stronger. I will say one thing, though: I do miss Marks and Spencer. Their Shrimp Cocktail Chips and Red Currant Puff Biscuits were like crack cocaine for me growing up.