AFnord: I'm having some issues with redeeming a product code. Well, two actually. I just got the boxed version of Blood and Wine (for the nice Gwent decks). When I input the code GOG accepts it and shows me when it's going to expire (10 years from now), and then nothing. It does not show me what product the code is for, and I can't click next, only cancel.
I also noticed that I had a code for NWN with my Witcher 3 copy that I had forgot to redeem, and it's the same story there, GOG accepts the code, shows me when it's going to expire (never) but does not show me what game it is for and does not let me click next.
So, server issues or is the problem on my end?
We have an internal problem which will be fixed as soon as possible - probably in a matter of 10 minutes, hopefully!