Posted May 05, 2020
high rated
*Contest now to be drawn in a bit....thanks to all who entered, shared their stories and pictures, or uprated*
(This is a contest with some rules and things to bear in mind, and a question to "answer" below....please make sure to read everything below carefully before entering....that said....)
So I have seen how some have been down in the dumps(to put it mildly) over the worldwide situation, and I said to myself: "GR, how can we cheer some people up a bit?"
And to that I said: "Why give out the gift of game, of course!" :D
So over the past few days I squirreled away a few copies of the Dungeon Siege Collection to give out to my fellow users(and maybe another surprise as well...we will see :)).
Now for the "boring bits"(i.e. rules, guidelines, and one question/thing that must be filled out/replied to to be counted as a valid entry):
Contest Timeline/window
The contest will be open from now until at least May 9th at around 5PM Eastern Standard Time
1. The contest is open to all who registered before May 2020(So April 2020 and before is fine).
2. One must answer the question/thing linked in the next section of this same post, and also state which prize(listed below) they are entering to win(The game listed, the mystery prize, or both).
(All entrants or even posters get entered in the rep prize automatically)
3. One can enter either for themselves or to give it to a friend or family member.
(I would prefer it not be sold/traded away for games/money/etc, but once someone wins it's up to them what to do with it. All I ask is that if you are entering to sell or trade it later, please at least be honest about it...thank you)
4. You must be able to accept a PM from me if you win.....either by adding me temporarily as a friend(if you win) so I can PM you your winnings, or setting your PMs to "accept PMs from all"
5. One should be aware of some missing content with the games on offer(listed below in it's own section).
Optional guidelines
1. If anyone wants to uprate, i'd rather people uprate others more than me....but if one wants to then an uprate to the OP post alone would be appreciated to help me keep the thread from being buried(by low raters)
Prizes(please be sure to list in your entry which prize or prizes you are entering for)
Dungeon Siege Collection(4 winners)
1 Mystery Prize
(Hint: It is something on GOG, that likely all would be ok with can also change their mind if they enter for and win this and want me to pick someone else, but I think that is unlikely to happen)
A rep "door prize" to the one I give the solution to this thread to, of 5 rep points
(chosen based on who I think should get it or maybe at random....all posters will be entered for this one automatically)
Contest Question/thing-Besides saying you are entering or trying to win, please do one of the following:
List one good thing you've done for others or that others have done for you recently(whether as part of your/their job, or just out of the kindness of your/their hearts).
List(or show as a pic) something good/kind done by others in your area that you've seen or heard about.
Post a nice image(or internet video) that makes you feel happy/good in some way(also if the link or pic is NSFW to some degree please denote or mark it as such in your post)
Missing content issue(alluded to above)
The first two games do not come with their expansions. This is fine for the first game, but the second game's "true" ending is in it's expansion(though the main game of DS2 is good enough as is, imo), so please bear this in mind when entering(also one can buy the expansions cheaply on eBay and such, or in other places, if one wants them).
1. alexandros050
2. aRealCyborg-winner 4
3. ElPrimordial-winner 3
4. kai2
5. Mortius1
6. Persival2207-winner 1
7. PMPMGamer
8. TheMonkofDestiny-winner 2
Entrants(Mystery Prize)
1. aRealCyborg
2. ElPrimordial
3. kai2
4. Mortius1
5. Outriders-winner 1(to be paid soon)
6. Persival2207
7. PMPMGamer-winner 2(paid)
8. TheBigCore-extra small winner 3(paid)
9. TheMonkofDestiny
Entrants(Rep door prize)
1. alexandros050
2. aRealCyborg
3. bler144
4. ElPrimordial
5. kai2
6. MaxFulvus
7. Mortius1
8. Outriders
9. Persival2207
10. PMPMGamer
11. rjbuffchix
12. Sulibor
13. TheBigCore
14. TheDudeLebowski-winner
15. TheMonkofDestiny
16. zazak09
And now the contest begins....good luck everyone :)
*Contest now to be drawn in a bit....thanks to all who entered, shared their stories and pictures, or uprated*
(This is a contest with some rules and things to bear in mind, and a question to "answer" below....please make sure to read everything below carefully before entering....that said....)
So I have seen how some have been down in the dumps(to put it mildly) over the worldwide situation, and I said to myself: "GR, how can we cheer some people up a bit?"
And to that I said: "Why give out the gift of game, of course!" :D
So over the past few days I squirreled away a few copies of the Dungeon Siege Collection to give out to my fellow users(and maybe another surprise as well...we will see :)).
Now for the "boring bits"(i.e. rules, guidelines, and one question/thing that must be filled out/replied to to be counted as a valid entry):
Contest Timeline/window
The contest will be open from now until at least May 9th at around 5PM Eastern Standard Time
1. The contest is open to all who registered before May 2020(So April 2020 and before is fine).
2. One must answer the question/thing linked in the next section of this same post, and also state which prize(listed below) they are entering to win(The game listed, the mystery prize, or both).
(All entrants or even posters get entered in the rep prize automatically)
3. One can enter either for themselves or to give it to a friend or family member.
(I would prefer it not be sold/traded away for games/money/etc, but once someone wins it's up to them what to do with it. All I ask is that if you are entering to sell or trade it later, please at least be honest about it...thank you)
4. You must be able to accept a PM from me if you win.....either by adding me temporarily as a friend(if you win) so I can PM you your winnings, or setting your PMs to "accept PMs from all"
5. One should be aware of some missing content with the games on offer(listed below in it's own section).
Optional guidelines
1. If anyone wants to uprate, i'd rather people uprate others more than me....but if one wants to then an uprate to the OP post alone would be appreciated to help me keep the thread from being buried(by low raters)
Prizes(please be sure to list in your entry which prize or prizes you are entering for)
Dungeon Siege Collection(4 winners)
1 Mystery Prize
(Hint: It is something on GOG, that likely all would be ok with can also change their mind if they enter for and win this and want me to pick someone else, but I think that is unlikely to happen)
A rep "door prize" to the one I give the solution to this thread to, of 5 rep points
(chosen based on who I think should get it or maybe at random....all posters will be entered for this one automatically)
Contest Question/thing-Besides saying you are entering or trying to win, please do one of the following:
List one good thing you've done for others or that others have done for you recently(whether as part of your/their job, or just out of the kindness of your/their hearts).
List(or show as a pic) something good/kind done by others in your area that you've seen or heard about.
Post a nice image(or internet video) that makes you feel happy/good in some way(also if the link or pic is NSFW to some degree please denote or mark it as such in your post)
Missing content issue(alluded to above)
The first two games do not come with their expansions. This is fine for the first game, but the second game's "true" ending is in it's expansion(though the main game of DS2 is good enough as is, imo), so please bear this in mind when entering(also one can buy the expansions cheaply on eBay and such, or in other places, if one wants them).
1. alexandros050
2. aRealCyborg-winner 4
3. ElPrimordial-winner 3
4. kai2
5. Mortius1
6. Persival2207-winner 1
7. PMPMGamer
8. TheMonkofDestiny-winner 2
Entrants(Mystery Prize)
1. aRealCyborg
2. ElPrimordial
3. kai2
4. Mortius1
5. Outriders-winner 1(to be paid soon)
6. Persival2207
7. PMPMGamer-winner 2(paid)
8. TheBigCore-extra small winner 3(paid)
9. TheMonkofDestiny
Entrants(Rep door prize)
1. alexandros050
2. aRealCyborg
3. bler144
4. ElPrimordial
5. kai2
6. MaxFulvus
7. Mortius1
8. Outriders
9. Persival2207
10. PMPMGamer
11. rjbuffchix
12. Sulibor
13. TheBigCore
14. TheDudeLebowski-winner
15. TheMonkofDestiny
16. zazak09
And now the contest begins....good luck everyone :)
*Contest now to be drawn in a bit....thanks to all who entered, shared their stories and pictures, or uprated*
Post edited May 11, 2020 by GameRager
This question / problem has been solved by TheDudeLebowski