DetouR6734: Yes i dislike the current gaming trend as they don't think, they say well you have a choice, but the fact 80% of them are lemmings who always say yes means i don't have a choice.
As for kickstarters, non of them really take my fancy it's few and far between.
Gaming will become a subscription service, and then what? will you be happy about that?
The only way to change the market is by not spending money and we have too many willing to throw it away.
You always have a choice.....unless you believe that free will is a myth and you have no real say in anything that is.
As for subscriptions: Eh, I look at the silver lining and if something is good and I still have my old games as backups I can find the silver lining of such services of there is any to be had, instead of looking at how bad things are.
Lastly, we can change the market through social media/etc just need to know what to say/where/when. Most choose not to bother, however, as they lack the faith it will work or are too lazy to bother.
paladin181: And in a marketplace full of shithead developers and publishers lying, how can anyone determine what is really scarce or not.
Straight up lying to you is underhanded. Selling you on scarcity that isn't there is lying, and underhanded.
Most wont tell you that their preorder content is going to be available for purchase because they want to drive those immediate sales. Just because they make good money at it doesn't make it not anticonsumer or moral or anything. So save your shilling for those large anticonsumer companies for someone who gives a shit about them. I don't, and I won't be a victim of their anticonsumer garbage again.
Common sense and reading the fine print, for one. You need to stop putting all the blame on "evil
devs" and more on "stupid people winning stupid prizes", as the saying goes.
If they are lying, then fine.....if they are not and people are too dumb to figure out how it works and buy accordingly then they are to blame partially.
It's not shilling it's just I don't see all devs as evil men/women with snidley whiplash moustaches in black outfits, and am willing to put some of the blame where it belongs: On dumb/impatient consumers.