Andanzas: Thanks for letting us know! (and thank you also for your earlier post about the Image bundle). That's very interesting! How did you found out about Monolith? I find it weird that HB hasn't updated their listings yet.
I guess that's not HB but it's the publishers fault. The best source to research the exact comics is (as far as I know) They don't list all indie comics but they seem to be pretty complete for the bigger publishers. In the case of "Monolith" the picture from the HB is the same as that of the collection according to Comic Vine ( ) and since there it's called "#1" as well I guess it isn't a mistake. From my experience the Comic Vine infos are usually correct.
Hmm, but now I just see: If I click on this collection #1 at Comic Vine it says in the description that it only collects #1-3 - and Comixology saying it's 98 pages seems to confirm that. Maybe it should have been four collections but they were cancelled after the first (which was released in 2012)? Well, in any case, I guess that affirms my plan to not buy the highest tier ...