eladz: There are several repeats and many non-007 books, but still, a new James Bond comics humble bundle:
https://www.humblebundle.com/books/james-bond-and-beyond-dynamite-books "Several repeats" is kind of an understatement. The only items that HAVEN'T been bundled before are:
- James Bond: Reflections of Death
- James Bond: Agent of SPECTRE
- Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt - Watch
- Control
It has to be said though that the other comics have been bundled all over the place - many on Humble Bundle, some on Groupees, some on Comixology, so it's rather improbable that someone bought all the respective bundles.
One more thing to note: "Weaver", Vol. 1-2 seems to be just a repackaging of "Uncanny", Vol. 1-2 which - of course - has been bundled before repeatedly.