skumsebuks: So some years ago(i can't remember when) GoG made it possible to activate games from cd-keys, a very nice feature and with the promise it would be expanded. After a year or so it was the same 7-9 games so i wrote them and they said they were working on it. Now a few years later they make connect. Again a great feature witht he promise alot is going to happen. How come i feel it's yet another project already dead?
It's not a complaint since it cost me nothing but im just a bit frustrated the cd-key thing never seemed to evolve to anything and i don't see why it should be any different with connect.
Seriously, search the forums for pre-existing threads on a topic before creating a new one and rehashing all the same discussions that have already taken place. The short story, is that game publishers - NOT GOG - decide whether they will give their games away for free for any reason, including to allow GOG to give free copies on to people who own the games on Steam. The point of Connect is to
provide an easy mechanism to do this - NOT to promise a steady stream of games coming out of the arse of a rainbow game farting flying unicorn.
If people expected there would be a garden hose of free games coming through GOG Connect, then they made poor assumptions that are unrealistic and they're going to be let down by their unrealistic expectations.
*IF* and *WHEN* a game publisher wishes to allow Steam owners of their games to redeem free copies of them on GOG, they can now do so and it is easy for users to redeem them. But it isn't a promise that there will even be a single game ever released again. There probably will be, and if there are - it's easy to redeem them, but there might not be any for days/weeks/months/years or never.