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Welcome to the community. I too am not very social but I can still manage to participate every now and then.
nightcraw1er.488: If your worried about Bannerlord, don’t be. It’s at least 10 years away yet. Probably more.

Just play war and with some mods:
Prophesy of Pendor
The Last Days
plus loads of others.
Kelefane: Its coming out March 31st this month on steam. Devs stated its as close to feature complete as it can get at this point.
It’s coming out indev, not complete. They have already taken 10 years to get to that stage, it’s not hard to see it being another 10 years. Me, I don’t do free testing on someone else’s product.
zstrastwa: This is also kind of my "hello" waving to the community. I'm not very social, but figured from what I've read that most people here would probably agree with the anti-DRM idea. :P
AB2012: Hello, welcome to GOG and have a +1 from one of many who agree with you on DRM. :-) Since you already own a lot of Steam games but are trying to move away from clients, I don't know if you're aware of this thread, but around 1,500 of the +30,000 (about 5%) of games on Steam don't use Steam's own DRM protection, will run without the Steam client and are even "portable" (meaning after you've downloaded them via the Steam client, it will not only start directly without the client, you can zip up the game's install folder then unzip it on another / future upgraded PC even of different hardware that has never had Steam installed, and it should still work fine starting directly via the game's .exe / Windows shortcut. It might be worth checking to see how many you have on there. It's not a complete list and many unlisted games are simply untested, so you could always try Bannerlord and your other games to see if they work without the client.

As for going DRM-Free only, it's entirely possible but depends on your taste in games. Many new AAA's aren't here (and some take several years to come here), "multi-player = DRM" in the eyes of many modern devs (due to wanting control over being able to ban people on a store account level for cheating or heavily pumping in-game MT's / lootboxes, etc, that are handled by the store / client), so if you're heavily into these two it can be hard. On the other hand, if you love older / Indie games, it can also be quite easy to do without Steam / uPlay / Origin, etc.
Is that zip file thing really true? That is big and no one seems to really mention it. How does it work though? I though Steam games dont have the installer? So when I install it, I go on steam or do I go look for something in a file?
Of course it's true. To complement AB2012 post:
link or

.Ra: I though Steam games dont have the installer? So when I install it, I go on steam or do I go look for something in a file?
The "installer" is running at the same time you download.
You go in game folder and launch the executable: Steams library -> right click on game name -> instalation folder -> double click .exe file (usually the one with game's name)
Not only some games are able to be zipped, some even can run on a USB pen drive and be played on different computers.
Post edited March 15, 2020 by Dark_art_
1st of all, a warm welcome 2 our GOG community zstrastwa! Glad u hv seen the light & decide 2 join us over here. :)

I as well as most if not all of us here (if i may spk on behalf) prefer our games DRM-free, there r always some games that i like 2 play that r not DRM-free unfortunately. So as much as i hope 2 go completely DRM-free 4 all of my games, it's neither practical or possible. :(

But as far as i can help it, i try 2 buy my games here on GOG or Humble Bundle shd there b a DRM-free copy available rather than on other platforms which likely sells it with DRM.

Anyway, i hope u enjoy ur stay here & hv fun playing games DRM-free! ;D
moobot83: u wont require steam i nthe future cos game devs will just make there own launchers like origin,rockstar,blizzard etc and take 100% of the profits fro mgames, why post games to steam when u can easily force your playerbase to download said game from the launcher, steam takes 30% cut fro mdevs to make money, most game companys prolly wont use steam anymore
zstrastwa: If that happens I guess I just won't be playing games anymore. I have no launchers, I'm tired of all the drm and forced downloads for games. I want a game, not all your other bullshit, you know? :/

I mean I would love to just buy a game, download it, and play it wherever I want. It's sooo simple, yet almost no games do this.
As one who would have bought Skyrim on release if not for its online DRM and the Epic I mean Steam exclusivity for its PC version I know the feeling. You will have to accept the fact to never play some game you otherwise would totally love to if you want to pull that of for real though.

On the plus side you will find good substitutes for some games, might become fan of series you might otherwise never even bothered to look at (Saints Row in my case) and if some of the game might finally come around getting a serious release it is quite rewarding. FO: New Vegas Gog release for example; another title I would have bought if not for its online DRM and the Epic I mean Steam PC exclusivity. When it finally came around on Gog it was not only for a great discount (I would have paid full though) but also all inclusive, fully patched and a kiloton of mods available.

Also a big plus you will avoid quite a lot of duds that you might otherwise have bought because of being part of a historic good series but are actually very, very bad games.

Kind of an additional plus for cynics: recent AAA titles (and business strategies like live-services) from EA; Bethesda, UBI Soft and others like SW Battlefront; FO76 (oh so FO76), Anthem and others have given me hours of joy, laughter and entertainment... watching various YouTubers making fun of how much of a miserable failure they are in every conceivable and embarrassing way possible. And that even without paying a cent. :D
.Ra: Is that zip file thing really true? That is big and no one seems to really mention it. How does it work though? I though Steam games dont have the installer? So when I install it, I go on steam or do I go look for something in a file?
If you mean the "Steam games that run without the client" list, yes it's true. Steam has two levels of DRM - the basic "Steamworks" client check and the enhanced CEG (which locks the game's .exe to your unique motherboard). 95% of games have the former (and some both), but 5% of games in this list are completely unprotected. For those games, you basically download them via the Steam client normally (there are no GOG-style offline installers), but once they're downloaded and if they can start without the Steam client, you can then go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ and create your own zip file of whatever the name of the game's folder is, then you have the option of reinstalling it without Steam even installed. Only around 5% of such games are unprotected though, and the vast majority of AAA games are DRM'd and won't start without the client.

The same is true of many of the free games given away by the Epic Store. Once you've downloaded the games normally, they will then start without the Epic Client either directly, or starting the .exe with the -EpicPortal command line switch. Unfortunately, there's no maintained list like there is Steam, and some games (eg, The Talos Principle) don't work, but many others (eg, Batman Arkham Trilogy, Thimbleweed Park, etc), do work "client-less".
Yep, I used to never want 2d or side scrollers etc etc, now I'm buying and playing games I never thought of before.
I am just done with the drm. The next elder scrolls? Not buying it. Bannerlord (cry) not buying it.
I totally agree, it is so much fun to watch these dumpster fires of games that are "released" lol. Here I am playing* decades old games and having a blast. xD
Post edited March 16, 2020 by zstrastwa
zstrastwa: Thoughts? […]
This is also kind of my "hello" waving to the community. I'm not very social, but figured from what I've read that most people here would probably agree with the anti-DRM idea. :P
Salutations and welcome to the club. I haven't used Steam for more than a decade.
zstrastwa: Thoughts? […]
This is also kind of my "hello" waving to the community. I'm not very social, but figured from what I've read that most people here would probably agree with the anti-DRM idea. :P
scientiae: Salutations and welcome to the club. I haven't used Steam for more than a decade.
Nice, and thank all of you for the greetings. :)

I'm contemplating deleting steam, uplay, origin etc.