Tallima: Yes! I can't hardly navigate anymore and the search is useless. I had to find a game by searching on Bing to link to the page. [...]
HunchBluntley: Out of curiosity, which game?
I just did some experimenting and everything was working very well. So I'm going to take back my "Search is useless" comment. However, I still find Bing better.
It was Heroes of Might and Magic 5. But I'm getting to it now. I probably spelled something wrong. (between my eyes and my bad phone-typing skills, it's quite likely)
But, let's say I typed "Heros" instead of "Heroes," I'll come up with nothing. If I bing "gog heros of might and magic," GOG's HoMM5 page is the top result.
Also, when I was just experimenting on the front page, I'm not 100% sure I knew the results scrolled. So I may have been missing things by not scrolling the results. I saw the top results and probably got frustrated. But I just typed "Might and Magic" and "Heroes" and M&M5 came up both times so long as I scrolled through the list. I have a hard time believing that I never tried scrolling the list, but I may have done just that.
I tried searching on the forums (I usually search from that search to avoid the long load on the front page) and I couldn't find HoM&M5. I found all of them but HoMM5. Then I figured out why. My thumb was scrolling onto the forum part of the page, which scrolled the whole page and not that section (it cut off exactly on HoMM4). But I figured that one out.
I also never noticed the tiny scroll bar on the side when you try to scroll. So that helped me identify if I was truly at the end of the list.
All that said, I have to know the exact name and spelling errors aren't kind. Whicher gives no results. Heros gives no results. "Mount and Blade" doesn't bring up "Mount & Blade," you have to type it exactly as "Mount & Blade." And I can't skip all of that trouble by using Bing.
Thankfully, Bing works really, really well when I know the name or close to it. Binging "gog mount and sword" brings up all of the Mount and Blade games. "gog wicher" brings us the Witcher.
All that said, my biggest complaint about the site is that it's very hard to scroll through without it thinking you clicked on something you didn't. When you do click on something, it often thinks you clicked on something else. And then when you go back, you have to wait the minute for it to all load back up again. I just timed it on my fast connection at home and it took 33s to load. When I'm scrolling at lunch break (that's when I usually do it), it's far longer. So I've mostly quit going to the home screen.