RayRay13000: EDIT: I thought my original post was swallowed up, but now both of them are on this one. Whoops.
I thought it was already known that Mad Max used Denuvo. No real reason to have a DRM FAQ for the game at this point. As far as the "Not DRM" part of the FAQ (and what people say online) when just calling it an "Anti-Tamper" solution (which honestly annoys me greatly), sorry...but it's still DRM.
When you launch a game using it for the first time it needs to authenticate itself with the Denuvo servers online before playing, which in itself
IS DRM. Not to mention that some Denuvo games limit the amount of times you can authenticate a new install within a 24-hour period (Total War: WARHAMMER and a few other games do this, 5 machines a day).
The only experience I have with this DRM is DOOM (but it got removed in a recent patch), and for the most part I didn't really run into any issues. Also really liked the game too, so there's that.
, but only if you check sites that list what games have Denuvo crap in them or someone tells you, but the steam page itself doesn't list it, so anyone buying may not know until it's too late to get a refund.