Posted July 05, 2016

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Posted July 05, 2016
I doubt that Denuvo does that and, even if it does, games where that 30 FPS drop happens must be really well optmised without Denuvo, otherwise people wold be complaining about poor MP performance all the time in Denuvo games. Denuvo isn't as bad as you claim either, as it prevents piracy (Which means game companies can't complain about piracy as causing poor sales. This will make more people skeptical of the effectiveness of DRM if there are still below average sales and no piracy.). Besides, I don't even mind DRM that much unless it is always online in a game with little or no multiplayer (Such as Sim City 2013 when it released.), Install limit DRM (Such as the SecuROM in spore.) and the DRMs that supposedly caused hardware problems such as starforce.I'm fine with DRMs that only require a one- time Internet connection, like all the client DRMs and Denuvo. Also we all know what DRM stands for, you don't have to tell us every time you mention it, and you should shorten to gog.
Post edited July 05, 2016 by sherringon456