Darvond: The lead writer and artist, among other staff who made Disco what it was have been involuntarily forced out of the company.
Quote one of the former staff:
"Imagine a kleptomaniac, if you will. Only that instead of stealing, say, "A Lolly pop", they take pains to manipulate dozens of people to steal, in the end, from themselves, just because they happen to be very proficient in that kind of an operation. It's what they always do, really. One of them was the first guy to be convicted for investment fraud in Estonia. All the same, idk if we would have managed to get the initial investment without these people." Magnitus: There is no company loyalty. Don't expect most employers to stick by you if they want to trim down and you are expensive or they perceive the final outcome of your contributions to the company to be less than they pay you. I've learned that the hard way early in my career and I've done well ever since.
If you work for somebody, it should be strictly because the money upfront is good enough (not what they'll supposedly pay you in 2 years where you might no longer be there, what they are paying you right now) and the working conditions are not bad and perhaps, if you are lucky, you believe in the mission statement of your employer as well (irrespective of whether you remain employed there or not).
I work for a research center in a hospital, the money is ok (I'd probably get a 20k-40k pay bump in the private sector), the working conditions are ok (people are nice to me and they really respect my work, though the workload is a little insane more often than not), but the mission statement is through the roof (its a non-profit that setups genome research projects in the public sector and the tools I develop are open-source).
All that being said, I have no illusion that the moment I stop being incredibly useful (to the extent my salary indicates), I'll be shown the door (and this is a non-profit). I work for the now. Not for my security in 5 years time with the same employer. There is none. My attractiveness to plenty of other potential employers is my only long term job security.
If you find that brutal, advocate for a better safety net in the area where you live. I won't go into too much details here as that would be a political discussion.
All because the masses have been conditioned to perceive feudalism as democracy.