PanosPendulum: Dears!! I wish to you all to stay safe!
Please help me beacuse I click play and Divinity 1 does not start!
What do I have to do?
As a matter of fact any game does not...
I have tried everything!
Please help!
Start by not calling me dear :o)
Now, you can try the following options.
Stop galaxy running, go to the game install location and run the exe from there.
Ensure that everything you install goes to a non windows folder like: c:/mygames. This avoids UAC errors.
You do not need galaxy, it’s optional. From the website, under your name-games-select the game in question, you will find offline installers. Download the files (from the left part, patches you don’t need), and run the installer from those making sure to set a non windows directory.
Ensure you system meets the specifications, you have not provided any details on this, even windows version.