toupz111: I mean 3.5 and adv 2nd edition with thaco was dope, but now it turned into generalised bullshit with too much high fantasy and probably built for perverts into elf+orc bdsm fetish or kobold and dragon sexy time. I think we all agree dnd is overrated. The dark eye is a cooler atmosphere ;)
Regarding the high fantasy... you know there is more than one campaign setting right? Ravenloft still exist. Its pretty damn dark.
I'm not sure what you are talking about regarding elf orc bdsm as there is nothing like that built into the game. I actually knew players from when I played 2nd edition and 3.5 that rolled succubi and incubi. It wasn't my cup of tea either but the beauty of D&D is you can play it how you want.
Regardless of anything else, 5e also has a ton of variation from DM to DM with how they choose to present the world to you and ultimately 5e puts the most power in the hands of the DM and the player to flesh out the world in a creative way. Whereas pathfinder, 3.5 and 2nd edition have regimented rules for creating any manner of character it largely is useless in terms of telling an interesting story. 5e boils it down to its core storytelling mechanics and then lets the DM fill in the gaps. While I miss being able to shape-shift into colossal beast and having an animal companion enlarged and fighting giants it can still be done with a little creativity and it doesn't render the game completely unfun for every other player in your group like it used to.