Ariod: ...Yeah we got plenty of problems, and human rights are debatable, and unfortunately more debatable than when I was growing up. But everybody's got problems right, I've only lived here so far in my life so I can't make direct comparisons if our problems or human rights are necessarily better/worse than anybody else's. And without direct experience, just depends who's opinion you choose to believe.
Why only relying on opinions and believe, what about trying to gather facts? They are difficult to separate from the lies and opinions but they are there somewhere and in many cases evidence can be gathered.
For example: GITMO really exists - it's not just an opinion. Abu Ghreib really existed - it's not just an opinion. Toture really was practized during the era of GW Bush, it's not just an opinion.
While you can never be absolutely, totally sure, I would deem it very likely the US has many bad habits in this regard, more than for example Norway. While everyone has problems, it doesn't mean everyone has the same amount of problems. It could be that some have many more problems, especially if they do not start solving them. They probably pile up at some point. It's just a possibility though, everyone has to judge the facts by himself.
One organization that tries to gather facts in this regard is Amnesty International. If you are interested in evidences about human rights you could consider supporting them financially or otherwise. The other thing that can be done is voting for parties that are strongly for human rights and transparency. That way you can do something to improve your country.