jsidhu762: Hello mortals!
There's a pretty common behaviour and mentality on the internet that I don't really understand. I'll summarize it like this: if you like one thing, that means by default you hate something else. Like if I start talking about Robocop someone will get in my face and demand to explain why I hate Terminator so much (which I don't).
A pretty common one is portrayal of the Joker. I prefer Nicholson's adaptation - but if I say that someone reading what I typed would assume that I think Romero's, Hamil's, and Ledger's versions are absolutely terrible (also not true).
What's the logic behind this reasoning? I apologize if it's a stupid question, I'm not the brightest bulb in the oven.
Of course Robocop beats the Terminator. Everyone knows that:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmqa99Ar1Hs dewtech: Why do people feed him all the time, you gave him a response, he just got his boner.
Well OP, people are dualistic by nature, because it's easier to handle, a more simplistic way to look at life. Although we all know life isn't black or white but its 90% gray and 10% red or blue (black or white for normal people). It's easier to not think a lot and just say everyone who doesn't agree to you is your enemy and not try to understand them. A lot of the problem is in most people are retarded collectivist sheep-men. When most people think one thing, they start getting the same ideas and take the ideas as truth, especially when deep down they even feel a bit the same way, their thoughts are enforced subconciously. Argumentum ad populum kind-a way.
When there's a majority who disagrees, eg. they are in team white (terminator); and you are in team black (robocop); and there are more terminator fans who diss your movie of your liking you get pissed understandbly. But much easier is to shrug it off, be an adult and understand that people have different ways of thinking and tastes. Both movies are awesome and people who diss one or the other are basically the same people who kill or yell at people who think the other way (for either religious matters or some other shit).
Most people get offended on the internet by it aswell, but there's no reason to take it into heart. It the goddamn internet, not real life, just fucking turn off the screen and go smoke a ciggie or get a new beer/vodka from the fridge and chill.
Nihilism and pohhuism best way of life Donny: Are these the Nazis, Walter?
Walter Sobchak: No, Donny, these men are nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter Sobchak: No, Donny. These men are cowards.