Posted June 11, 2016

Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted June 11, 2016
Malcolm Turnbull this freak on a leash has screwed up our National Broadband Network ONLY the cities hand a few selected places have it I AM STILL WAITING FOR IT my internet speeds are in the attachment this guys said

Carolus Magnus
Je m'en fou
Registered: Dec 2012
From Belgium
Posted June 11, 2016
Once upon a time, a Belgian politician who ranked very high in the government was asked to sing the Belgian anthem...
... He sung the French one ...
... He sung the French one ...

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted June 11, 2016
Why Dumbledore didn't joined Ministry of Magic?
Because he didn't wanted to become the Dumbestledore. :P
Because he didn't wanted to become the Dumbestledore. :P

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted June 11, 2016

One and only person who gifted riches to my country instead of stealing from it and taxpayers. Only person who tried to bring order and justice round these parts, instead of chaos, dispute and polarization. Only person who upgraded the army and even created our "saboteur" division, which remains still exactly as he founded it. Died assassinated from secret agencies of French and Britain and their plot, so they could cut off our ties with Russia. They employed local army captains and they shot him outside of church.
English and French, ever our "allies", heh heh...
Post edited June 11, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted June 11, 2016
Whichever retard from the Ashikaga Shogunate that just declared realm divide on me. Holy shit this is probably what Rome felt like when the Huns came and brought the other haters in their wake.

New User
Registered: Mar 2013
From Serbia
Posted June 11, 2016

And my addition to the list would be Boris Yeltsin.

9/11 happened. We found out those behind it were in Afghanistan.
Bush declared that those people would be brought to justice....and invaded Iraq. :P

I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany
Posted June 11, 2016
Merkel is pretty stupid as least she's hardly able to form a coherent sentence. Somewhat like G W Bush, just that you'll have to understand German to notice.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Because there are only THREE politicians of modern history i ever liked.
Second is Putin.
Third is Berlusconi.
timppu: I see. How about historical politicians, which did you like the best? Stalin? Hitler? Mussolini? Pol Pot? I suppose one could make a case for Stalin. Hitler and Mussolini were both failures and brought only ruin on their countries. And Pol Pot was just crazy with his stone age communism, total maniac.
Stalin on the other hand did have some achievements...under his leadership the Soviet Union industrialized, won the 2nd world war, gained an empire in Eastern Europe it held for almost 50 years and became the 2nd nuclear weapons power in history. So Stalin was highly successful as a statesman, though at a monstrous price to millions of people.

Second is Putin.
Third is Berlusconi.

Stalin on the other hand did have some achievements...under his leadership the Soviet Union industrialized, won the 2nd world war, gained an empire in Eastern Europe it held for almost 50 years and became the 2nd nuclear weapons power in history. So Stalin was highly successful as a statesman, though at a monstrous price to millions of people.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by morolf

Fall into delusion!
Registered: Nov 2008
From Australia
Posted June 11, 2016
Tony Abbott

New User
Registered: Aug 2012
From Norway
Posted June 11, 2016

... He sung the French one ...
We've had a lot of very strange politicians over the years. A guy called Hedstrøm, he used to be in local politics (he's actually a dentist, very curious person. Never spoke to him in person, but he gives off this irate aura of a particularly confident weasel) - he suddenly got shifted up on a representative list for some reason - and then the wonder that was my hometown and county ended up voting something like ..20% to his party one year, and they got three representatives to parliament from the districts. One of them showed up obviously tipsy in Parliament several times, the other was so liberal he once voted against his own legislation that he had been submitting with members of his own party. Hedstrøm was maybe the least ridiculous of the three. Like.. the clown that runs around trying to smooth over the mistakes the other ones are making in a circus act.
But he was known for doing these not extremely modest stunts, and then violently defending whatever he may have been doing in the media afterwards. That meeting with nazis was one thing, but he justified it afterwards as well ("they were fresh, Norwegian youth"). Caricatures of him smashing the podium in parliament with a shoe turned up every other week for a year or so. I'm not sure if he actually did that once, or if it's an apocryphal story. And he just never wanted to disavow it ever happened, because he thought it was kind of awesome.. I don't know. One version of it was that he picked up something random near the podium and smashed the edge while speaking several times.
Anyway. So in this case he had been agitating particularly hard against toll-stations for a few weeks around the district (the major issue these people get elected on, only second to "cheaper booze", no immigration (of course), and "lower public charges" (which is a good idea, it's not that, it's just that these guys don't understand that public spending has to be paid for somehow).
So after this particularly convincing speech, he somehow talked himself into standing on the border to Sweden (this is just a couple of kilometers east), and pay for the toll-station charge for each passing car. I really don't get it, but he stood there and handed out 20kr coins for a while, like half an hour and a photo-shoot.
And they got this brilliant full-page colour picture in the local paper. He's standing there in the wind, his comb-over hair fluttering a meter out of his head into the breeze, and he's grinning with his flawless teeth so it reflects the sun all the way down Sponvika bay. Have to admit, he was a lot more fun than the people we have now.
He capitulated from national politics in 2005 when his party had serious difficulty with actually putting up a list of representatives that should be elected. The discussion was around whether to put in people who may or may not have been wrongfully accused of underage rape, for example. That guy got elected. He then speculated the county's funds for running costs on the stockmarket, and then lost the money. He got elected again.
They have another guy who was convicted for punching a guy in the face while out a Saturday evening (this happened while he's in his 30s, at least) who got elected in Trondheim.
And that party has several representatives in the current coalition government. The "punch a brown guy in the face while drunk because cheek!" dude is the "Fishing minister". Before that he was actually the chair of the "justice-committee" (it's a standing committee dealing with all kinds of semi-incidental legal issues for legislation.. not a whole lot you can fuck up here, admittedly) for a while. Another member of that committee, while his party is in government, managed recently to defend vigilante justice groups like Soldiers of Odin.
That penguin-suit woman who got dunked in the Mediterranean sea a while back. Which got Norway on the map for the first time since the Palestinian peace talks, I guess. Where this minister used the opportunity to talk about how asylum seekers is a plague that needs to be stopped, etc. While somehow smuggling in how bathing in a thermo-suit taught her something about how it is to be a "boat-refugee". Yeah, you guessed it - she's from that party too.
Yesterday these guys managed to enact legislation that essentially disavow Norway's commitment to the refugee convention and the UN Charter.
So yes: in Norway, we are in fact best at everything. Including being assholes. *thumbs*

No Longer New!
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted June 12, 2016
"If you kill your enemies, they win." -Justin Trudeau who also uses the current year to justify his decision to appoint "people of color" based upon their racial and ethnic heritage.
His statement may also explain his handling of that Canadian wildfire. Extinguish the fire, the fire wins.
Jimmy Carter should be mentioned as someone who proves that intelligence and wisdom are two very different things
I'd name other but many world leaders seem more corrupt than they are dumb. One example is Bill Clinton (NAFTA, sexual assault, violation of his own anti-sexual harassment policies). Tony Blair seemed like a combination of corrupt and dumb.
His statement may also explain his handling of that Canadian wildfire. Extinguish the fire, the fire wins.
Jimmy Carter should be mentioned as someone who proves that intelligence and wisdom are two very different things
I'd name other but many world leaders seem more corrupt than they are dumb. One example is Bill Clinton (NAFTA, sexual assault, violation of his own anti-sexual harassment policies). Tony Blair seemed like a combination of corrupt and dumb.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted June 12, 2016

His statement may also explain his handling of that Canadian wildfire. Extinguish the fire, the fire wins.
Jimmy Carter should be mentioned as someone who proves that intelligence and wisdom are two very different things
I'd name other but many world leaders seem more corrupt than they are dumb. One example is Bill Clinton (NAFTA, sexual assault, violation of his own anti-sexual harassment policies). Tony Blair seemed like a combination of corrupt and dumb.
Oh, and he balanced the budget.
Post edited June 12, 2016 by tinyE

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Tabletop Gamer
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted June 12, 2016
Chamberlain and Nero both come to mind (granted, the latter was an emperor, but they were still leader of their country). Though if we're talking about those still alive, Obama easily takes first place.