Mai-Manisan: I like dungeon crawlers, but I have dificulties to draw maps :\ because this I play Eye of the beholder with auto-map mod. I see that Grimrock have a module fan campaign remake to this game. Is it good? I dind't like the second fan campaign remake on Grimrock - I did not find it faithful to the original - this second game have map?
Dungeon Master 2 does have a magic map you get early in the game. I *think* it requires mana to use, but it otherwise will give you a map. There are also more advanced versions of the map you find later on.
Some versions of Chaos Strikes Back have map spells as well. Interestingly enough, because that game is more dense and much of the game is partitioned into separate sections, I actually find it easier to navigate that game without a map then the original Dungeon Master.
I don't know if any of the Dungen Master clones have auto-mapping. (I note that CSBWin is based off a version of Chaos Strikes Back that did not have automapping.)