(Ms.) Pacman? ;)
Or are you looking for something like
Teddy in D4 - Dark Dreams Don't Die? ;P
Anyway, if we're talking about games only, I don't think any of the issues you list are really common. Drink and drugs may be used for flavour and giggles, but to my knowledge alcoholism and drug addiction aren't often themes in videogames either. And depression (which I wouldn't classify as 'glamorous' at all) only more recently, mostly in narrative indie games, adventures, visual novels. That's where I would look for the theme of eating disorders, too, at least if you want it to be treated seriously. Can't imagine many action games including something like that as anything other than a cliché. There's a high risk that it would feel out of place, preachy and/or superficial, in any case.
Here's one in a Choose-You-Own-Adventure style,
Mangia by Nina Freeman.