amok: But what can you do? Steam is popular because it works. Therefore to stop this you need to either- a) make a better system or -b) purposely choose a system with less functionality/not working as well. a is difficult, b is illogical.what to do?
I do b). And it is perfectly logical. I abandonned Steam some years ago and never got back. I now look for games in other places (GOG mostly). I abandonned Windows some years ago and never got back. I now use Linux distros (Mint mostly, Tails in an USB when out of home).
Of course, I'm not intending to change the world. I'm a single person. If lots more do, well, the possiblity of change turns to be real.
Iḿ not capable of making better systems too, so I support the ones that make/try them.
I don't have all the games that I want nor all the softwares that I need since they are tied to an OS. I look to circunvent that in many ways, not obtaining sucess always.
It's an ethical position that may create a path to pratical changes, but it is not a guarantee.