Posted November 08, 2019
low rated

I suppose 'law' is the wrong word, maybe 'strong suggestion'. computers and technology are tools, but when your childhood i spent on a Xbox 360 & kids walk around with smart phones and can't use pencils because they don't develop the muscles needed... that's just sad.
If you want to play games all day, do it after you're out of the house.
I know someone who's son spends too much time playing and she's threatening to take away his game system. He sounds like he's so lazy and bored and does less than the minimum.

Besides as everyone knows, kids will prefer to play games over doing work or actually doing their school work. Kids have two jobs. First, keep their room clean, second is to learn the basic skills for when they are on their own. Video games involved they are encouraged to do neither.
But as there's nothing i can do about it, they will reap what they sew i suppose. And for some, it's no education, heart attacks at 17, and having a totally warped view of the world seeing everything from WoW and Overwatch and not knowing how to iron a pair of pants or cook an egg.