I don't have a favorite ad/commercial, they are commercial brainwashing. They tell you what ideal '
beauty' should be, what to eat, drink, wear, makeup to use, games to play, what attitude you should have, etc.
I've heard a commercial doesn't stick well unless you've been exposed to it 40 times, and for TV it's common for 1/3rd of the time you watch it to be exposed to commercials. That's a lot of time to be slowly brainwashed into thinking you need a burger '
your way'; More often the brand names come to mind first when you consider getting something. If you go to the store you undoubtably think of getting coke or pepsi more likely than say safeway select or shasta, and that's because the names stick in your head regardless if it's a good idea or not.
Let's not forget, commercials and ads push you to be a consumer, to consume and consume, to buy and buy even if you don't need it so they can make profits and you are left with something you may not have needed or wanted in the first place.
Perhaps we should have
commercials more like in Mexico