Posted July 01, 2016

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
I think you think I meant that instead, I think. Thinsg are not so clear up here in spase. As always.
I should have responded to this skooner, I guess I was spayce doubt!
Whydoes thispace lookso funnie?
Does the air ffeel a anyone els?
I should have responded to this skooner, I guess I was spayce doubt!
Whydoes thispace lookso funnie?
Does the air ffeel a anyone els?
Post edited July 01, 2016 by drealmer7

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted July 01, 2016
Well. I contacted the usual suspects. So the remaining slots should fill up over the weekend.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016

I also let lotsofchickenwings know the next game's signups were open. My guess is that it's likely spots simply take longer to fill in the summer, and it is about to be 4th of July holiday weekend here, so even less people are likely to be around until tuesday.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 01, 2016
I am going to take a break from Mafia for a bit. I got too many commitments right now and it wouldn't be nice to have to be replaced or not participate. I'll join the observers thread though.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
*takes in a breath of the air* *nynynyny on my tongue as trying to get the taste of something*
I swear, this air tastes a bit...sweet...hmmmmm...
I swear, this air tastes a bit...sweet...hmmmmm...

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted July 01, 2016
I'll take on observer thread link, please.

Sale Addict
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
I've never played before, but drealmer7 told me about it. Can I join? :)
Post edited July 01, 2016 by Fantasysci5

game collector
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
I have never played forum mafia in any way, shape, or form. I'm thinking the only way to truly understand how this works is to play. So, would this be a good set-up for a complete newbie to join? Or should I observe a couple more games?

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
Do note that this is a going to be an unusual game from other forum mafia games, and may not be the best game to learn on, but, it might be fine too (it really depends from person to person on how they "take" to it, really.) Some people do recommend observing a game before jumping in to play, because there are some things that are good to be aware of before playing that aren't necessarily/immediately apparent, and I think it can be good for some people to do it, but I also think it more matters how confident you feel about understanding the game and how much you've read about it before starting.
I would say if you've watched the flash, read some of the wiki, and read all of this and understand it and read a bit more of the wiki, you are probably okay to play, and I say "welcome! yay!"
docbear1975: I have never played forum mafia in any way, shape, or form. I'm thinking the only way to truly understand how this works is to play. So, would this be a good set-up for a complete newbie to join? Or should I observe a couple more games? It's definitely going to be unusual because of the "cult" aspect (usually the teams are set and do not change, cult allows the conversion of "good" players into "bad" players), but if you've observed a game or two, I say "jooooiiinn u..uh.uusss..."
For the both of you, I at least recommend making sure you've read a portion of the wiki before signing up, which can likely be done before the spots are all filled if you haven't.
Also, know that it's super exciting to have you two interested! wOOTAH!
Here are some beginner tips and information (hopefully you know the terms vanilla, town, and mafia, and that there can be "roles" in the games) :
RVS - random vote stage - some don't participate in this angle of the game, but it is essentially the beginning part of the game where no one knows anything except mafia (generally) and there is nothing to go on, really, so people just make up reasons to vote for others and do so.
WIFOM / WIFOY - Wine In Front Of Me/You, from "The Princess Bride" - here is the scene, if you still don't understand, ask, and someone will explain further
LAMIST - Look At Me I'm So Town - Used to describe someone's behavior when they've gone from the point of actually seeming like a "townie" to seeming like they are trying to seem "town." A fine line which varies depending on the viewer and perspective held.
WOT - mostly applicable to me: "walls of text"
there are others...
There are actions and behaviors that are generally viewed as pro-town, anti-town, or mafia-like (also known as "scummy", as "mafia" are also referred to as "scum" at times, and it is good to know which is which so you know what you are doing and how it might be perceived by others. Some of these things are:
Lying. Lying is viewed as scummy/anti-town behavior because the best way (not the only way) for town to benefit themsevles is to find facts and discern hard information, this is hindered by lies and misinformation. While deceit and misinformation is part of the game and something town wants to do from time to time, outright lying about something simply confuses the "reads" and "angles" of the information and hurts town/helps mafia.
Role-fishing. This means trying to find out the role a player has and with that, if they have any ability/power and what it might be. Knowing such information benefits scum because while they know who all of the town players are, they don't know who has what roles or even what those roles might be, and figuring that stuff out is a key goal for mafia players. If you want to know why (and you should), you should read more about roles on the wiki.
With that, when the game starts you get a PM from the moderator with your alignment/role. If you're newb townie, sometimes it can be tempting to share that you are town and what your role is, BUT DON'T DO IT, as said, that just helps the mafia team. However, with that, the only way for town to communicate, usually, is in the game-thread, and so sometimes people will "breadcrumb" or leave hints at what their role might be so that other townies can pick up on it (and sometimes do it falsely to mislead mafia, or sometimes mafia can do it to mislead town.)
Many other things vary in how they are seen by different players, and a lot of it is contextual or instance-specific, and can't be held in general. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve and a gaining familiarity to it as you play more, and there is definitely, in my opinion, something with becoming more familiar with each individual player, their personality/how they play the game, etc.
One of these things, which is semi-somewhat controversial among players here, is "lurking." Some players lurk often to varying degrees, some players lurk sometimes, some lurk more than others, some almost never lurk, some dislike lurking to varying degrees, to say the least. Lurking is when a player participates to a bare minimum (or close to it, again, it can vary and the perception of it can vary) of what is required to not incur a penalty from the moderator. Some view lurking as anti-town, and it all just depends on a bunch of factors and who and what and all that....yeah...I don't like lurking, personally. If you didn't notice, I can tend to type a lot, and this is considered a WOT now, btw!
I would say if you've watched the flash, read some of the wiki, and read all of this and understand it and read a bit more of the wiki, you are probably okay to play, and I say "welcome! yay!"

For the both of you, I at least recommend making sure you've read a portion of the wiki before signing up, which can likely be done before the spots are all filled if you haven't.
Also, know that it's super exciting to have you two interested! wOOTAH!
Here are some beginner tips and information (hopefully you know the terms vanilla, town, and mafia, and that there can be "roles" in the games) :
RVS - random vote stage - some don't participate in this angle of the game, but it is essentially the beginning part of the game where no one knows anything except mafia (generally) and there is nothing to go on, really, so people just make up reasons to vote for others and do so.
WIFOM / WIFOY - Wine In Front Of Me/You, from "The Princess Bride" - here is the scene, if you still don't understand, ask, and someone will explain further
LAMIST - Look At Me I'm So Town - Used to describe someone's behavior when they've gone from the point of actually seeming like a "townie" to seeming like they are trying to seem "town." A fine line which varies depending on the viewer and perspective held.
WOT - mostly applicable to me: "walls of text"
there are others...
There are actions and behaviors that are generally viewed as pro-town, anti-town, or mafia-like (also known as "scummy", as "mafia" are also referred to as "scum" at times, and it is good to know which is which so you know what you are doing and how it might be perceived by others. Some of these things are:
Lying. Lying is viewed as scummy/anti-town behavior because the best way (not the only way) for town to benefit themsevles is to find facts and discern hard information, this is hindered by lies and misinformation. While deceit and misinformation is part of the game and something town wants to do from time to time, outright lying about something simply confuses the "reads" and "angles" of the information and hurts town/helps mafia.
Role-fishing. This means trying to find out the role a player has and with that, if they have any ability/power and what it might be. Knowing such information benefits scum because while they know who all of the town players are, they don't know who has what roles or even what those roles might be, and figuring that stuff out is a key goal for mafia players. If you want to know why (and you should), you should read more about roles on the wiki.
With that, when the game starts you get a PM from the moderator with your alignment/role. If you're newb townie, sometimes it can be tempting to share that you are town and what your role is, BUT DON'T DO IT, as said, that just helps the mafia team. However, with that, the only way for town to communicate, usually, is in the game-thread, and so sometimes people will "breadcrumb" or leave hints at what their role might be so that other townies can pick up on it (and sometimes do it falsely to mislead mafia, or sometimes mafia can do it to mislead town.)
Many other things vary in how they are seen by different players, and a lot of it is contextual or instance-specific, and can't be held in general. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve and a gaining familiarity to it as you play more, and there is definitely, in my opinion, something with becoming more familiar with each individual player, their personality/how they play the game, etc.
One of these things, which is semi-somewhat controversial among players here, is "lurking." Some players lurk often to varying degrees, some players lurk sometimes, some lurk more than others, some almost never lurk, some dislike lurking to varying degrees, to say the least. Lurking is when a player participates to a bare minimum (or close to it, again, it can vary and the perception of it can vary) of what is required to not incur a penalty from the moderator. Some view lurking as anti-town, and it all just depends on a bunch of factors and who and what and all that....yeah...I don't like lurking, personally. If you didn't notice, I can tend to type a lot, and this is considered a WOT now, btw!
Post edited July 01, 2016 by drealmer7

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016
Alright, given that I've never played a cult game, I'll try it.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted July 01, 2016

As far as I'm concerned, you're both welcome to play. I would suggest watching a game or two first though, and be sure to ask questions in the observer thread about any terminology, procedure, or player action that you don't quite understand. The Obs Thread is a great way to get a feel for things without feeling pressured to perform at the same time.
Post edited July 01, 2016 by Bookwyrm627

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania